
31.01.12 г.

Message from Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light 1/30/12

Open your hearts. What is it that certain of you want to do at this time? What is it that your heart desires? What is calling you? Whatever it is that calls your name in the winds shall you heed, for it is this calling that is your reason for being here on this planet at this time. For many of you there are a multitude of different worlds you could be living in right now, but you chose to be here at this very time. Why? What is it that is so important for you to be here at this point in time? The only way for you to find out is to go out and seek these answers. Along this journey you may discover many other things as well, and you will have the opportunity to bring all these wonderful discoveries home with you when your mission here is complete. 
We see so many of you searching for these answers, and we are so pleased to see that you are now motivated by what truly matters in your lives. Releasing the distractions of your 3D world is the key to finding the paths you have laid out for yourselves before you entered into the human vessel, and it is this path that will lead you back home.
Take the time along your travels to assist your brothers and sisters on their journey as well, as this is not a race, but a team effort, and there are no prizes for you for finishing first. You may find that the greatest prize comes in the satisfaction in knowing that you helped another soul on their journey. Such is your never ending journey through your many stages of development throughout this universe. You will find that all the things that you work so hard for here on Earth come easy to you once you release yourself from this land of illusion, but what requires effort is assisting others that could benefit from your help. Such has been the careful design of your universe, with the intention of bringing us all together in love and service to each other while we enjoy the splendors of this magnificent creation.
Take the time to look after yourselves at this time as well, as it is important to take care of your body as well as your mind as you approach the many changes in store for you. Ascension, as magnificent as it is, is only one of the life-changing events that your race has to look forward to, and this year of 2012 shall see the unveiling of many of these. We await your house to be put in suitable order, clearing the way for the commencement of some of these events, and there are many men and women working tirelessly behind the scenes to see to it these paths are cleared. Be patient my dears, as you cannot yet see the tremendous efforts of so many of your brethren to bring about these changes at this time.
We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are doing our part as well, and soon our efforts will combine on a greater personal level. This is the plan, and we have every intention of seeing this plan reach fruition. Nothing will stop us, and together we shall see the fruits of our hard labor. There is so much in store for you dear ones, and you shall soon see for yourselves the early stages of these changes as news of these events begin to be shared with you through your so far reluctant media.
Are you going to share the words of truth and justice? Are you going to set out to discriminate truth from disinformation, light from dark? You have all the tools necessary at your disposal and you all know what is required to discriminate between opposing forces. It is time you all began to utilize your powers of discernment, and filter through the large amounts of disinformation and misdirection that has been placed before you. It is time you cleared your path yourself, to advance on your journey without undue interference.
Whatever it is you need to complete these tasks you may ask for, and if it is within our power we will deliver to you what you require. Never feel that you are alone in this endeavor, as we are here to assist you in any way we can. Give us this opportunity to assist you in this way. Allow us to use our experience in these matters to their fullest potential. We have taken part in many similar projects all across this universe, and wish nothing more than to assist humanity break free from their tyrants and ascend into the higher realms where you belong.
Ascension is never an easy task, and that is why you have so much help available to you today. Virtually all civilizations could benefit from outside influence from one time to another, and your planet is no different. You have not received any more or less help than most of the other worlds we have assisted, and although some of the difficulties you must overcome are unique to the obstacles other worlds have faced, on the whole your situation and challenges are quite similar to the majority of the worlds at your current level of development. We not only assist 3rd dimensional worlds, but we also assist civilizations that exist within the higher dimensional vibrations. Our work with you is not nearly complete after you achieve ascension, but in many ways it is just beginning. We assist worlds beyond your next level as well, and each successive dimension offers its unique challenges to us.
One of the things that make your ascension so unique is that not only will many of your population ascend, but your host planet as well, simultaneously. This has never been done before in this universe, and this is why the eyes of this entire universe are upon you. This is why everything you choose to do at this point forward is so crucial to not only your future, but the future of your planet and your universe as well, for the successful outcome of this immensely complex project means that similar projects based on the mold created here will be undertaken in the future. What this means to other worlds that still exist within the limitation and struggle of a lower dimensional world is incalculable. The gift of your experience here is a gift that will be shared throughout this universe, and will be offered to so many worlds that could benefit so greatly from what can be offered them from your work here. Please take the time and make the effort to give these many other worlds the gift that they deserve, just as you are receiving many gifts today that you have earned. This is the plan, and now you see how important a role you are all playing. What happens here affects this entire universe.
On to matters concerning day to day operations, we are currently engaged in warfare with the dark cabal and their underlings. If many of you could see our operations, we feel you would be less motivated to voice your displeasure at the speed at which matters are progressing. On an almost unrelenting basis, our forces of light move forward towards certain victory, capturing and dismantling vast amounts of the dark’s fighting forces. There are seemingly endless supplies of men and women willing to sacrifice themselves for those who plan only to enslave the entire human race, including their own soldiers after their necessity is no longer required. This has only been made possible by the complete lack of information based on fact, rather than fantasy. This is why we say again that one of our main goals is to restore the free flow of information and idea to your world. 
In information there is light, and in disinformation darkness. When we speak of restoring light to your world, this is of what we speak. Your world has been submerged in darkness for so long that there are many of those around you who cannot recognize the light as it shines upon them. The reeducation of these individuals will be a long and difficult task, but it is absolutely necessary for them if they wish to reenter a free society again. We cannot allow them unrestricted access to other worlds where they can wreck havoc and spread destruction like they have done here. The toll taken on you and taken on your mother planet has been great, and many of you will need healing and counseling when your 3D experience is completed. Your Mother Earth also requires healing on many of her different levels, and we are here to assist you and provide to you the tools necessary for this important task. You owe it to your mother, as she has provided for you throughout so many successive incarnations. It is time you repaid her for her generous gifts to all of you.
This is the task we will begin immediately upon our re-introductions to you and we feel it is safe to land our ships en masse on your soil. Many of you will be working personally with us, and many more will be working in a more indirect relationship with us in the days ahead on this, and many other vital projects as well. Until then, apply your hard earned skills to your tasks now at hand, as the successful accomplishment of them are required for us to move ahead with further projects including full disclosure and a mass first contact with your people. You are all loved, and we eagerly await our reunion with you so we can get busy on our work together.
I am Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light, and it has been a pleasure to speak with you today. Be well all of you. We will be with you soon.

As channeled through Greg Giles
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