
10.01.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/9/12

Looking back at what you have done here, we see a miraculous change from humanity's past and humanity today. Your collective journey here has been a journey through awakening, of learning what is important in life and what is not. You have all learned the value of truth, the value of justice, the value of hard work, the value of commitment, the value of honor, the value of love, the value of life.
Before you set sail on this long journey through a soul’s evolutionary path, you may have overlooked some of these virtues as much in the higher realms comes very easily. As beings of great power you easily create what it is you need, what it is you want, and lack for nothing. When you first began your incarnate journey, you may have been quite shocked at how hard you must work for everything you have here. You learned sometimes life isn't fair, and that sometimes no matter how much you want something, it may not always come to you. You learned better the laws of karma, of action and reaction. You learned what it was like to feel separated from all others, from your friends, family, and even your Creator, although this feeling of detachment and separation was merely an illusion, staged to help facilitate your learning process.
We see you now so much greater than you once were before you set out on this journey. We see a wise, seer- like soul when before you may have reflected more a ‘babe in the woods’. Many of you have grown so much and attained such wisdom that soon you will be teachers of other souls who yearn for your knowledge and wisdom. You will have earned your honors at one of the most difficult academic universities in this universe, the planet you call Earth. All will know where it is you have come from, as the earmarks of your pedigree will shine through.
Use these last days of your education wisely. Study as if you are studying for your final exams, for indeed, this could be said. We are so proud of each and every one of you, the pupils and teachers of Earth. Always remember, in life we are all each other's teachers and we all each other students. Try to remember this as you go about your day, and you will be a better teacher and a better student for this and pass this wisdom on to others.
Today we see you lining up to receive your diplomas in great achievement of what you have come here to do. You have all learned such a great deal and have set your planet and people on due course for ascension into the higher realms. What an incredible achievement this truly is. There were periods in your history that can only be known as dark ages, but you battled back and returned your world on a setting towards light each time. This will be the last time you will ever have to turn your ship around after falling so far off course again. What you have done here will not be asked of you to do again. We are so proud of what you have accomplished here, and you can safeguard your memories of your adventure here forever end ever if you so choose. This choice is yours, one of many you will be making in the near days ahead. 
Continue now through your journey as you have but few days left of this adventure. Your experience here is soon to change in most miraculous fashion. Life as you know it today will not closely resemble your life to come soon. We know you will meet these changes and along with them new challenges as you have always, with excitement, commitment, and an honor of duty, and we know you will continue to succeed in every endeavor you choose to undertake.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.

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