
10.01.12 г.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Happy Holy New Year dear ones! We are so excited for you as you enter the year of 2012. Far from being the end of the world it is a year of new beginnings. Out with the old, in with the new never had as much meaning as it will for your world this coming year. Each of you has been feeling this coming. Each of you has been releasing a lot of old emotions. Each of you is eager to get on with life, to make dreams come true, to allow for the love of God to flow into your hearts, homes, relationships, and indeed all of your lives!
Celebrate dear ones! Although there will be circumstances on your earth that cause many concern you can stand in a higher truth, knowing that what does not work is being catalyzed to change. What has been hidden in human hearts is coming to the surface. There will be a cry for more equality in the world, less greed, more compassion, more love. There will be more recognition that you are one world, one human race, and indeed all of you are in this life together, cooperatively, relying on each others’ gifts, talents, and assistance to make the world go ’round. Your illusions of separation will be dissolving. Celebrate! Out with the old and in with the new!
For each of you personally you will be called upon during the year, to stand in faith or stand in fear. Choose faith dear ones! Have faith in God’s love! Have faith in God’s desire for you to live a life of your dreams, for indeed those dreams were planted in your hearts by God himself. Stop trying to control your days, your lives, others, your own heart. Allow yourself to just “be” who you are in any given moment. It is in this surrender to the truth of self, one moment at a time, that you are guided, directed, loved, and assisted. If you force yourself to do things out of fear, we think you know that this will not bring you a peaceful life. If you attempt to coerce, change, or “Fix” others you will find yourself in frustration. Let yourself be who you are and allow others to be as well. And while some may find the changes in 2012 challenging, you can sail through the year with grace and ease. As you bring love into every situation in your life you can transform not only your own lives, but indeed your world.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

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