
14.01.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation

Friday, January 13, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/13/12

You have a certain level of responsibility to yourself, and a certain amount to others. This is a period in your experience when you must concentrate on the whole, and this focus will bring about the necessary changes to you also on a personal level. Your society ticks not unlike the inner workings of a finely crafted timepiece, each of you acting as gears to do your part in keeping perfect time. Without each other, the efficiency of your mechanism will suffer. You are now to enter into a period in your collective journey where you will see just how important you all are to each other. You have never experienced just how well you can all work together to bring about good in your world. Your experience through duality has been based on a continuing separation that pitted you all against each other in a competitive race for survival. This experience is now over for you, your lessons in this aspect of existence completed.
You are now to learn just how magnificently you can all work and play together, creating an ever peaceful and prosperous utopia for yourselves through equal cooperation. This will be a most glorious moment for you when you all begin to realize what you can achieve together. Shoulder to shoulder you will begin to restore your planet to its natural pristine beauty, and arm in arm you will restore the optimum functioning of your societies through a plan of sharing the natural flow of abundance that is inherent in a civilization. Without those of the dark siphoning all of the collective wealth of the people for themselves, you will see for the first time in many eons how the natural laws of abundance operate, and how the Creator has designed his universe to offer you everything that you would ever need or desire throughout your journey of existence.
Events are prepared to be set into motion. All hands are ready to begin operations for the next phase of the overall plan which is to announce our presence to the people of your planet. We await the final green light, and then we will launch our campaign that will bring many changes to your civilization in a short period of time. This will be an exciting time for you, and also a period in your history that will see many challenges for both you as a collective and each of you on a personal level. All of you incarnated in your world today knew before your incarnation that this day would come and with it many challenges. Each of you wanted to be here to experience for yourselves this momentous event in a planet's history. It will be worth what you have all gone through to reach this point. Your sacrifices will have been well worth all of them.
In peace there is peace, calm and serenity, which creates an environment that all can thrive within and that will allow you to reach such great heights as a civilization. Many of you have never known peace. Even when you're media is not banging the drums of war, secret military campaigns are being carried out without your knowledge. These drums have not yet been silenced, but will be very shortly in the days ahead. What an incredible difference this will make as the echoes of the fighting will be silenced throughout your planet, and the new energies of peace and tranquility will fill this newly created void.
How far a society can prosper and grow is limitless once the thirst for war and conquest has been quenched. With your planet's manpower and resources unlocked from military pursuits, these tools will now be able to be used to construct a great society, unmatched in efficiency and beauty by any other period throughout your history. This is a new beat of your drum, and you will all partake in this great endeavor together as a team. All will contribute and all will prosper. What a joy this will be for all of you.
You have all heard tales of your lost cities of gold, and though this is more metaphor than literal, these lost cities were great lands rich in their own unique culture and each a gem within the headpiece which is your mother planet. Your cities will now be returned to the priceless gems they once were and become even greater paradises through our combined efforts here. Many of you have never worked together on such a project that will be so meaningful and bring such joy to your world. Many of you will take great pride and pleasure in devoting some of your time and effort to such a project, and we will share with you the tools and our experience to assist you in this beautiful reconstruction. Many of you will feel like children once again, building sandcastles at the shore. The only limits to your creation will be your imaginations.
We are your Family of Light from the stars. 
 As channeled through Greg Giles

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/12/12

The revelation soon to befall your world will alter your course of history, there is no doubt of this. The revelation that a world is not alone in the universe will have vast sweeping effects of change everywhere, and not a soul incarnate in your world will not be affected in one way or another by these changes. We see upheavals in the early stages after our disclosure announcements begin to reach the ears of your planet’s citizens, but we also see the calming effects our Lightworkers are already having on your people’s collective consciousness. This is our task today. There will be others when this task is complete, but today the most important work involves the taming of the fear that some already are experiencing as more and more once concealed information makes its way to the masses. Do your best to soften the blow of our announcements that will begin shortly. Your knowledge in this area will be much sought after, and many will seek the guidance of those friends and family who have taken the time to inform themselves of their world and universe around them. You are those that have done your homework. You are the ones who have made the effort to learn what was not forced upon you through your television sets.
Your world is about to experience the greatest leap any world has ever experienced in such a short amount of time. To experience metamorphosis from a limited 3rd dimensional world to a virtually unlimited 5th dimensional world is an incredibly vast jump, and it takes the skills of men and women like you to see this grand endeavor succeed in the manner that it has so meticulously and carefully been planned. Again, we ask of you to be prepared at this time with enough household provisions to last a few days or even weeks until the dust begins to settle and your world sees a return to its normal functioning. After calm and order is restored, we will immediately proceed with the next phase of our plan which is a first contact with you, the citizens of Earth. Many changes will follow in rapid succession after that point, and this is the moment when those of your world will take notice and learn as a certainty that we come in peace and are here to help advance your world greatly as you are being prepared to be welcomed into the great Galactic community.
Much work needs to be done to ready you for this moment, and we have trained extensively to assist you with these many tasks. Many of you will be working with us in the crucial days ahead, and we look forward to this prosperous partnership. Many of you have also trained extensively to be of service at this time either before your current incarnation, or even during this incarnation, either through training programs within your society or through your astral travels where the knowledge you have learned has been safely stored within your subconscious.
Many surprises await you in the days ahead, and this will surely be a most exciting time for you on your continuing journey. Again, please be there for your brothers and sisters who will need your higher guidance. You have all gotten to this point together, and no one need suffer through lack of knowledge and guidance if enough of the Wayshowers make their presence felt. You are the souls chosen for this important assignment, and you were the ones thought best suited and prepared for the job. This is your time now to do what it is you do best. The spotlight is on you, it is time to take center stage.
Our opposite numbers within the Cabal continue to encounter their fast-paced demise. They see no way out. All of their vast amounts of wealth now useless to them, they are beginning to see their many long years as slaves to their dark agenda meaningless and such a waste of opportunity. They were once so sure they could succeed cutting you off completely from your Source, but they were never able to completely sever the cord that connects you to your Divinity no matter where it is you journey, or what it is that you experience. Such is the bond between your Creator and you. This bond can never be broken, can never be bought, sold, bartered or stolen, and is as strong today as it has always been and always will be. This is the reason there is never anything to fear. You are eternally embraced within the protective and loving arms of your one true Source of all that is, and Source will never let go of you, even when you journey deep into the dark bowels of the 3rd dimension.
It is time now for you to come back home. Follow the safety line that has always been secured around you tightly. Pull yourself back up into the light, it is the time for your homecoming, and your friends and family from many years past are here to help pull you up.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Archangel Michael Speaks to Steve Beckow About Greg Giles' Channeling


Originally posted by Steve Beckow @ the2012scenario.com 1/11/12

In my private reading with Archangel Michael yesterday, I asked him about Greg Giles’ prediction of Disclosure and the dependability of Saul’s discussion of the time of clearing. Here are his comments.

Steve: There was a Galactic Federation message through Greg Giles on the 8th of Jan. that said that Disclosure was happening almost any day. Was that an accurate transmission?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it was an accurate transmission. And understand what is happening is that it is coming forth in bits and pieces and in little ways. So look for Disclosure right now not as one big announcement, one big recognition, for many of the politicians are very involved in their own concerns.
But also know that in many ways, your President … or your American President … Barack Obama, is being regritted (refitted??) and filled up. So you may look to him in the future for more support as well.
S: Alright. That’s good. Lord, Saul said the other day that a lot of people were cycling through negative emotion …
AAM: Yes.
S: … that is being brought up and released. Do you care to comment for our readers about the situation we’re facing right now and what we need to do to meet it, based on what Saul said.
AAM: What Saul has said is absolutely correct and it’s what I was referring to with the release of emotion from those who are on your forum or in your chat rooms.
What happens is that situations from this life, past lives, even some from the collective, although most [people] are not strong enough to really be dealing with collective release, but situations that have bothered them, negative situations, what you would call vasanas, are coming up for freedom, and they cannot be trapped in any field of the body.
So for example, many people have what you would call the core of the personality, or what you see on the surface looks very clear, very bright, very shiny, but what they have done is that they have stored in their outer bodies many of these traumas, injuries, sabotages, programs.
So what is happening is that everything is coming within and it is coming into the personal field, into the physical body. Some are exhibiting as illnesses or as what we would call a cosmic flu. So depression, abandonment, disillusionment – all of these are coming forward. Anger, angst – all the old paradigms that have been trapped in humanity for thousands and thousands of years are up for expelling.
So, if you find yourself feeling out of sorts, to put it mildly, disillusioned, fed up, then take a moment. We have given you so many, many tools and when I say we, I do mean to the Council of Love, but each of you have many tools, because each of you has been on this path for a very long time. Use those tools to let out what is bothering you and if it means, yes, going to the desert to sing, (1) or screaming in a pillow, (2) or crying on your friend’s shoulder, or even shouting at me. (3) The best way this could be done is simply by taking it out of your heart and giving it to the Universal Mother and then replacing it with what you desire, what you have always desired.
So for example, if you are giving away outrage, disillusionment, lack, then you have a tendency that, if you leave that empty space, to grab it back so, instead of doing that, fill yourself with light, fill yourself with courage, fill yourself with confidence, enthusiasm, and let it go.
And simply understand, this is part of making peace with the Third Dimension, with the Third Reality, so that you can leave it in peace, so that there is no dust that is clinging to you as you go through your Ascension process.
S: That’s very helpful, Lord. Thank you.

Message from the Pleiadians 1/11/12

Divorce proceedings are soon to begin. Many of you will be separating from the illusion that you have been married to for many long years. In any separation there may be those partners who wish for the split, understanding that their lives will prosper now that the partner who was holding them back will fade into their past, and also those within the marriage who want for the relationship to continue just as it is. Your split from the 3D illusion is no different, and it is the illusion who understands they will be losing out, and it is the illusion that today seeks desperately to lull you back into this dysfunctional relationship. It is the wise soul who understands and recognizes when a relationship no longer bears fruit, and it is the strong that are able to make the split and move on.
There will be those who will remain with their abusive partner who drains them of their youth, their joy, and their exuberance for life. These souls are caught in the clutches of a codependent relationship and will have to continue with the experience until they too have learned all they can from it and move on. You are the ones today who seek a separation, and it is this that you shall receive. A new life and a new relationship awaits you, and again, your partner will match perfectly your energetic frequency. This is how your universe has been designed, and these are the parameters you have agreed upon. You will always find the perfect match for yourself.
Expanding upon some of the new attributes of your fresh start, we see for you many upgrades to your day-to-day existence. The way you produce and prepare foods is one change you will immediately encounter that you may feel is quite remarkable. In time, your mother planet will no longer have to be used, and harmed, to supply you with nutrients to survive. You may compare this to when a newborn no longer needs to survive on his or her mother's nutrients.
It is understood how humans have grown so dependent on their automobiles, and it is also understood how many of you will miss these soon-to-be relics of your past. New, more efficient ways to travel your cities, your world, and even universes will be immediately shared with you as gifts from the Creator to help you more easily and comfortably explore his wonderful creation.
The way you take care of your bodies will also change radically, and no longer will you rely on medicines and others to heal you when you suffer illness or disease. No one can understand your body better than yourself, and in time you will all learn how to monitor and maintain your bodies to sustain optimal health, performance, and beauty. What a delight this will be for you, and this will be one of the first courses you will undertake in the days ahead. With all these upgrades to your experience also comes greater responsibility. We see how far so many of you have come, and we are very confident you will see to your new responsibilities diligently.
Turning now to matters concerning today, the cabal continues to run short of time, money, and soldiers willing to do their dirty work. You may see quite many advertisements on television and in your print media paid for by your Armed Forces, and these are very last minute and desperate attempts to lure new recruits into the dark’s web and fill newly vacated positions within their ranks. As we have made clear on many occasions, we make every effort possible to safely remove these soldiers and their weapons of destruction from your reality and relocate them to safe surroundings where they can begin to reflect on their choices made, and begin to more clearly understand who they were sacrificing themselves for. Many of them are quite shocked, and for a time, in great disbelief at the true identities and the motives behind these military campaigns. It is safe to say that many of these men and women will not fall for such a con ever again.
We will continue to keep you updated as to the demise of the cabal and their minions, and we will have very good news for you in the not too distant future. The necessary procedures are falling like perfectly aligned dominoes, and soon our efforts as well as yours will pay off in grand display for everyone on your planet to see for themselves. You are now in your last days of your current position. Humanity will be free from their captors very shortly. Until then, keep up the tremendous job so many of you are doing for the light. Continue to spread the news of our existence, our honorable mission, and our imminent introduction to you, our brothers and sisters of Earth. Be well. We shall be with you again soon.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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