A Christmas Message from Archangel Gabriel
23. Dec, 2011 in Messages from Archangel Gabriel
Hark. The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? They are inviting you into their midst. They are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and Light streaming onto the planet during this special time of Christmas. Receive it into your being and shine this blessed Light out into the world.
These times call for greater commitment to the truth of Happiness. We are assuring you that there is no requirement for suffering. In fact your birthright is to live in harmony with the earth, to feel Divine Love in your being and the power of Life Force surging through you in ever increasing waves. This is the energy of the Christ Light. Allow it to spark every cell in your body and increase love in your being. As you do this, you become a radiant light. It shines forth from you and you become the Light to the world that the earth needs right now. It is a choice for you to make moment to moment. It requires only the intention for harmony in your life, and a mental flip of the switch within your thoughts.
Becoming a Light to the world is not arrogant. When one carries conscious awareness of these truths, it becomes your duty. As the apparent darkness of chaos and fear are so obvious, what could the world need more than Light? At this Christmas time the Light of the Christ energy is more available than ever before. This Light-filled blessing carries the energy of Divine Love into your heart and out into your world.
Feel this Light in you and share it with others. It holds the divine qualities of Wisdom and Love. Send Light to your government and the world leaders. Send Light to areas of suffering in the world. Send it to those who work hard to ease the suffering in those places. Send Divine Light to the environment, and to all the living beings that are not human on this beautiful planet. This Light-filled energy brightens and reconfigures the power that inspires you into Heart Centered Action. Working with Divine Light is one way to bring harmony to the world and overcome despair. Light carries God’s Love which is the greatest healer of all and it will change the course of the world’s activity when enough of this energy is focused. And remember, you are not alone.
And Then There Were Angels
And Then There Were Angels
As we celebrate the gifts of this Christmas season, there are many who remember the Angels during this time more than at any other time of the year. There are legions of Angels gathering ever nearer the earth now, drawn by the prayers and the thoughts of so many people. This is a tremendous blessing that opens your heart to more love and allows your mind to receive a greater level of Grace.
In ancient times, people were very receptive to the presence of Angels. The Bible is full of references to Angelic appearances. However, at no time is there more mention of the presence of Angels than before the birth of the Christ child.
Angels foretold the birth of the Christ onto the earth, and appeared to the wise men before they made their journey. There is a mass awakening of spiritual consciousness on the planet at this potent time in history as well. As people turn more and more to prayer, and seek Divine Love in their lives, the dire prophecies lose their power. When you believe that peace can be present on earth, your faith touches others, and they begin to believe. In this way, thought-by-thought, one by one, the people of the earth will begin to experience the peace that passes all understanding. Never doubt the power that one person can hold.
As people turn toward Christmas, hearts are opened for the birth of the Christ Light within. This light filled energy brings the qualities so many seek to receive. There is an expansive sense of Joy; a deep abiding Peace and more Love than has been experienced at any other time of the year.
You can call upon Divine Light to illuminate your mind and heart so you act as a Beacon of Light. The earth needs all those souls who believe in the power of this mass awakening. As you open to new possibilities in your own life, you may feel the protective presence of Angel’s wings surrounding you in love. As you become aware of the power of Divine Love, it allows the Christ Light to awaken within you and radiate from you. You then become a Light to the world. This is the way to Peace on Earth and Good Will among all beings.
Angels are here now in this precious time. Once again these messengers from God are saying, “Rejoice! Awaken to the birth of the Christ Light within you. Feel our wings surrounding you in Divine Love and know that you are not alone.”
Let this Divine Light fill you now. Allow it to enlighten your mind and heart, and illuminate every cell and fiber of your being. Your willingness and openhearted acceptance of this Divine Love blesses your body, mind and spirit. Receive the gift of the Angels and the Light of the Christ is born within you this Christmas season. Let Divine Light shine forth from you so there may truly be Peace on Earth and Good Will between all beings.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: December 20, 2011
www.TheGabrielMessages.comMESSAGE FROM AA GABRIEL | Lightworkers.org.
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