
4.12.11 г.

Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011 – December 4-11, 2011

Thanks to Indy Info

December 4-11, 2011
Beloved Ones,
The energies of Cosmic Love gather in intensity as you move into a new phase of integrating the newest aspects of yourselves that are re-uniting their essence with your energetic field. As you embody more of your Divine Christ Self, your physical body is adapting and going through a metamorphosis in order to accommodate this greater energy and frequency level. All is in a state of motion, even when you are feeling as though you are stuck in a static position. In reality, the new reality, there is much preparation and movement occurring.
These greater influxes of higher frequency energy continue to bring out all that is not of matching frequency from within each person. All recycling energy and patterns of expression that have still not been transmuted into a higher order of manifestation will come forth yet again for release. Allow this by willing to let it go now as it comes forth and bless the situation, person or event that was a part of it. This will help you to release and let it go and be filled in return with the higher frequency energies of Divine Love. As you open your heart to this possibility, much healing within will take place.
Allow yourselves to feel the grace of the Creator to permeate your Beings and your World. Accept that you are worthy of the love of God and the love of others, and that you have the capability of loving all and in this love, you are secure. This is the time of year where it is much easier to feel the energies of altruism, goodness, loving kindness, generosity, peace, goodwill, happiness and joy. Use this time to cement the vision you have for the New Earth reality to take root in the fertile soil that you have cultivated and made ready for most of your lifetime and plant your seeds of new beginnings with faith and hope.
Continue in your work to raise your frequency levels as high each day as you can possibly go and give your physical vehicles time to adjust and adapt by being good to yourselves and loving yourselves. Transformation of your four lower bodies will result in you having the ability to bring in your Divine aspects in grace, ease and protection. This process is an ongoing one and proceeds according to the needs, requirements and intentions of each individual. From our perspective you are all evolving and transforming with flying colors, literally. You would not need to string your colored lights if you could but see yourselves.
Each of you is in varying degrees of completion with many people, places and things and the most important thing to remember is that in every completion comes a new beginning. Always, there is more to learn, to accomplish, to discover and to manifest and this is the area we are now moving into, the manifestation phase. Be of strong heart, mind and spirit, Beloved Ones, and be in gratitude. The new way of Being is to be in Joy.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana, (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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