
29.11.11 г.

MELCHIZEDEK – November 29, 2011

Thanks to Indy Info
November 29, 2011
Beloved Ones,
As you each attune yourselves to the new frequency levels, understand that you are those Ones who are already operating in the fifth dimensional consciousness and even beyond into the higher dimensions. You are holding the higher vibrational frequency for the World and this is vital in the coming days, months and years. As your Light quotient has expanded your auric field, your Light has been affecting all those around you whether you have been aware of this or not. You are each Light Bearers and are becoming impervious to lower energies. This in itself is a great accomplishment.
Continue to do your work each day and know within you that you ARE making a huge difference in the unified field of consciousness and this has been evident in the events that are transpiring around you. Everywhere you look you observe that there is a greater sense of happiness and oneness in people’s attitudes. True, there are many who are in the throes of purification and release and this will continue, but you Dear Ones have already been there and done that and are now working on the next level of your Ascension journey and maintaining and expanding your Light so that you are connected with your I AM Presence in an ongoing permanent way.
As you embody more Light from your I AM Presence it is important that you now walk, talk, and act from a place of your Divinity at all times. Practice asking for assistance if you need to, if you need help with this. Ask for upliftment and empowerment as you go about your daily activities and try to make a time every day to sit in quietness and receptivity. Seeing yourselves as a Being of Light whose Light is radiating from within every cell and atom of your Being will eventually bring this into manifestation in your physical form. Dare to dream BIG and envision the highest ideal future for yourselves and everyone on the Planet. Hold to this vision and bring it into focus many times each day.
Your affirmations and decrees DO make a difference, for each time you do this work, the Angels surround you and magnify the energy that you create; you are quite literally energetic powerhouses. Bless everyone and everything around you and intend to be a blessing as you daily labor. Trust in the guidance that you are receiving and know that all is well no matter what is going on around you. By these actions each and every day you have been creating amazing transformations in the people and World around you. Be good to and love yourselves by taking time out often and doing activities that bring you joy and happiness. It is time, Dear Ones, to be in joy and harmony, in peace and laughter.
We are ever with you, guiding and working with you on the higher dimensions. Each of you are known and deeply loved by your Family of Light. Let this thought always be with you, for it is so!
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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