November 11th 2011 is of great significance, as an enormous boost will be applied to your individual energy fields to mightily assist you with the process of your awakening. Many on earth who have been focusing purely on the physical or material environment that the illusion provides will receive a sharp shock or jolt that will bring to their awareness a realization that there is much more to life than they had thought. There will be a large increase in the numbers of people embarking on spiritual quests as they experience “aha!” moments, giving them a sudden intuitive sense of the vast realms that exist beyond the physical and that, until now, they had thought were the unreal imaginings of the mentally unbalanced.
When their surprise eases they will experience a feeling of pure joy and excitement as they discover a hidden inner knowing that tells them that life is far, far more than a few decades of bodily existence followed by death and extinction.
This realization, occurring to so many, will bring with it an understanding that Love is their true nature, and that fear and doubt are meaningless concepts that they can happily release. To release your fears is enormously freeing and invigorating. This does not mean that you suddenly feel you have the power and ability to overcome or deal with an enemy, or any disaster or catastrophe in which you might become caught up; what it does mean is that you have accepted yourself exactly as you are, without qualification, and with no need to present yourself to others from behind a mask of competence, diplomacy, humility, or power which hides the fearful and inadequate real you that you fear you are. You just are, no “ifs, ands, or buts,” and because you just are, no mask, defense, or deceit is needed, ever.
Having accepted yourself in this way, you will also find yourself accepting others just as they are, because you no longer need to adjust your mask in order to interact satisfactorily with them; and of course you will not be deceived by any mask another might be “wearing.” Doubt leaves you, and you find yourself behaving normally – quietly, confidently, effectively, and honestly – always. As a result you will be at peace, able and willing to help others, whatever their issues or problems, in the manner that is utterly and completely appropriate in the moment, just as it occurs. You will also deal with any remaining personal issues or situations that need your attention smoothly and competently.
Having freed yourself from doubt and worry you will find that you have far more energy, motivation, and enthusiasm with which to engage life. Everything you do will be because you want to do it, and doing it will give you pleasure and satisfaction; there will be no more “shoulds,” and you will take on nothing just because not to do so would make you feel guilty. People will be unable to lay guilt trips on you or manipulate you because you are your own person, and you will not give your power away.
You will be the loving, compassionate being that you truly are, honoring and respecting others, and you will find that others respond to you in like manner as, in meeting with them, your energy fields meld, strengthening and intensifying one another’s honesty and integrity.
This recognition of who you are, of your inestimable and eternal value, is an essential aspect of your awakening process, and will provide you with the certain knowledge that “of course I will awaken.” This knowledge will totally remove any tiny, lingering doubts or fears that may still be hidden in some dark recess of your mind, and which still question the existence of God, and the possibility of life after bodily death, allowing you to release any last fearful hold you have on the illusion, and the pain and suffering that support it. Now, when the moment comes, you will be ready for the glory of your awakening.
With so very much love, Saul.
When their surprise eases they will experience a feeling of pure joy and excitement as they discover a hidden inner knowing that tells them that life is far, far more than a few decades of bodily existence followed by death and extinction.
This realization, occurring to so many, will bring with it an understanding that Love is their true nature, and that fear and doubt are meaningless concepts that they can happily release. To release your fears is enormously freeing and invigorating. This does not mean that you suddenly feel you have the power and ability to overcome or deal with an enemy, or any disaster or catastrophe in which you might become caught up; what it does mean is that you have accepted yourself exactly as you are, without qualification, and with no need to present yourself to others from behind a mask of competence, diplomacy, humility, or power which hides the fearful and inadequate real you that you fear you are. You just are, no “ifs, ands, or buts,” and because you just are, no mask, defense, or deceit is needed, ever.
Having accepted yourself in this way, you will also find yourself accepting others just as they are, because you no longer need to adjust your mask in order to interact satisfactorily with them; and of course you will not be deceived by any mask another might be “wearing.” Doubt leaves you, and you find yourself behaving normally – quietly, confidently, effectively, and honestly – always. As a result you will be at peace, able and willing to help others, whatever their issues or problems, in the manner that is utterly and completely appropriate in the moment, just as it occurs. You will also deal with any remaining personal issues or situations that need your attention smoothly and competently.
Having freed yourself from doubt and worry you will find that you have far more energy, motivation, and enthusiasm with which to engage life. Everything you do will be because you want to do it, and doing it will give you pleasure and satisfaction; there will be no more “shoulds,” and you will take on nothing just because not to do so would make you feel guilty. People will be unable to lay guilt trips on you or manipulate you because you are your own person, and you will not give your power away.
You will be the loving, compassionate being that you truly are, honoring and respecting others, and you will find that others respond to you in like manner as, in meeting with them, your energy fields meld, strengthening and intensifying one another’s honesty and integrity.
This recognition of who you are, of your inestimable and eternal value, is an essential aspect of your awakening process, and will provide you with the certain knowledge that “of course I will awaken.” This knowledge will totally remove any tiny, lingering doubts or fears that may still be hidden in some dark recess of your mind, and which still question the existence of God, and the possibility of life after bodily death, allowing you to release any last fearful hold you have on the illusion, and the pain and suffering that support it. Now, when the moment comes, you will be ready for the glory of your awakening.
With so very much love, Saul.
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