
29.11.11 г.

Save the Internet - the pressure is working!

The vote could happen at any time now,  but free speech champions in Congress say our outcry will help, and one of them - Senator Wyden -  is even going to block the vote by reading out our petition names for hours! Let's reach 1 million!

MELCHIZEDEK – November 29, 2011

Thanks to Indy Info
November 29, 2011
Beloved Ones,
As you each attune yourselves to the new frequency levels, understand that you are those Ones who are already operating in the fifth dimensional consciousness and even beyond into the higher dimensions. You are holding the higher vibrational frequency for the World and this is vital in the coming days, months and years. As your Light quotient has expanded your auric field, your Light has been affecting all those around you whether you have been aware of this or not. You are each Light Bearers and are becoming impervious to lower energies. This in itself is a great accomplishment.
Continue to do your work each day and know within you that you ARE making a huge difference in the unified field of consciousness and this has been evident in the events that are transpiring around you. Everywhere you look you observe that there is a greater sense of happiness and oneness in people’s attitudes. True, there are many who are in the throes of purification and release and this will continue, but you Dear Ones have already been there and done that and are now working on the next level of your Ascension journey and maintaining and expanding your Light so that you are connected with your I AM Presence in an ongoing permanent way.
As you embody more Light from your I AM Presence it is important that you now walk, talk, and act from a place of your Divinity at all times. Practice asking for assistance if you need to, if you need help with this. Ask for upliftment and empowerment as you go about your daily activities and try to make a time every day to sit in quietness and receptivity. Seeing yourselves as a Being of Light whose Light is radiating from within every cell and atom of your Being will eventually bring this into manifestation in your physical form. Dare to dream BIG and envision the highest ideal future for yourselves and everyone on the Planet. Hold to this vision and bring it into focus many times each day.
Your affirmations and decrees DO make a difference, for each time you do this work, the Angels surround you and magnify the energy that you create; you are quite literally energetic powerhouses. Bless everyone and everything around you and intend to be a blessing as you daily labor. Trust in the guidance that you are receiving and know that all is well no matter what is going on around you. By these actions each and every day you have been creating amazing transformations in the people and World around you. Be good to and love yourselves by taking time out often and doing activities that bring you joy and happiness. It is time, Dear Ones, to be in joy and harmony, in peace and laughter.
We are ever with you, guiding and working with you on the higher dimensions. Each of you are known and deeply loved by your Family of Light. Let this thought always be with you, for it is so!
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Личен Разговор със Сетофиулт – 29.11.11 – Вашата Сила Резонира по Планетата

Поздравления, скъпи Жители на Земята. Идваме днес при вас с повече новини за политико-финансовата ситуация на вашата планета.

Но преди всичко, ние ви молим да разберете, че единственото ни желание е да ви просветлим по настоящите събития, нашата цел не е да ви диктуваме каквото и да било, нито пък можем директно да влияем върху събитията по вашия свят.

Целта на нашите послания е донасяне на радост, комфорт, надежда и подкрепа през тези времена, не да създаваме разделение или да ви доставим Intel. Ние трябва да останем в повече или по-малко неутрална позиция, що се отнася до всички включени същества.

Преди всичко, има няколко неща, които ще доведат до колапс на еврото, тъй като всичко може да бъде предвидено сега, убеден съм. Това обаче е било планиран сценарий на заговорниците. В действителност те внимателно са планирали всичките негативни събития по Майката Земя, за да придобият още по-голям контрол и власт над личните ви дела.

Заговорниците никога не са планирали свят, в който всички вие бихте били щастливи и свободни. Това са ценности, които те не желаят вие да споделяте, а привилегии, които те запазват за себе си.

Те не искат никой да достигне финансова независимост, защото биха изгубили контрол над вас. Толкова ли е трудно да се разбере, че те имат огромно количество власт и контрол над човешкото Земно население?

Така е, скъпи Земни същества. Те желаят всички вие да бъдете нищо повече от обекти или в най-добрия случай домашни любимци. С увеличаването на технологиите, те предвидиха, преди няколко десетилетия, че само няколко милиона хора биха били достатъчни, за да се грижат за задоволяването на всичките им нужди.

Както може би знаете, те възнамеряват техните планове да процъфтят за 2012. Постоянното търсене на войни в Средния Изток, липсата на помощ за Развиващите се страни е още един показател за поддържането на контрол над населенията.

Те диктуват, зад кулисите, кое правителство ще падне и с кое ще го заменят. Винаги чрез правителствата те могат да контролират по различни начини. Това, което наблюдавате сега, е отново битка за власт, за глобално контролиране на ресурсите на Майката Земя и на даровете и за нейните деца.

Тя ви храни, обича ви и се грижи за всички вас, без да изисква нищо в замяна. Тя не заслужава вредните експлоатации, на които е обект. Тя не заслужава нейните деца да бъдат постоянно унищожавани в позорни войни, тя не заслужава вибрациите на страха да резонират дълбоко в нейното същество сега.

Заговорниците целят контрол над нея, както и космическо надмощие и контрол. Можете ли вече да почувствате, че всичките ви действия, вашите мисли, всичките ви печалби са управлявани и контролирани от онези, които стоят на върха на пирамидата?

Ние искахме да издигнем флаг за внимание. Това, което ще се опитат да въведат заговорниците, ще бъде проектирано за повече контрол над вас. Техните планове за глобална валута ще бъдат направени привлекателно за вас и ще ви изглеждат като разумно решение.

Ние ви препоръчваме да обмислите нещата, преди да позволите силата ви като суверенни същества да бъде отнета от вас още повече. Мога да ви чуя, казвайки си наум: „ Но аз съм само един човек, кой ще ме чуе? Аз нямам по-добро решение!”

Всичко, което можем да кажем за сега, е, че вие не трябва да приемате да бъдете принуждавани повече от тъмните сили. Трябва да ви бъдат предоставени средствата да контролирате съдбата си като суверенно Същество и като Нация.

Това би било добро време за още повече настояване за премахването на петролната енергия и настояване за научни проучвания и прилагане на безплатна технология. Когато това се случи, борбата за черните източници на енергия на Майката Земя ще спре, нуждата от пари също ще спре.

Хората ще приемат да вземат участие и да споделят задълженията си от любов към тяхната общност и към тези, които обичат. Повече няма да се чувства натискът на времето или какъвто и да било натиск за изпълнение.

Както казахме, Майката Земя ще ви даде всичко безплатно. Тъмните сили дадоха всичко от себе си, за да ви държат в мрак, що се отнася до огромните ресурси и възможности на Майката Земя да се грижи и да ви обича всички вас.

Ние очакваме с нетърпение вие да вкусите истинска Радост и Свобода, като суверенна цивилизация, каквато бяхте преди. Ние очакваме с нетърпение да ходим по вашата земя в мир и радост от нашите сърца.

Вие сте само на няколко стъпки разстояние от това състояние на блаженство; вие току-що започвате да си представяте възможностите от обединението в един глас. Вашата сила резонира по планетата за нуждата от промяна за по-добро.

Ние ви обичаме много и приветстваме вашата решителност да намерите свобода и светлина за всички.

Аз съм Сетофиулт от Галактическата Федерация.
Лаура Тайко
Channeller: Laura Tyco
Превод: Tauno
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Every Monday night from 8 to 8:55 pm
channelings and related matters are being discussed on First Contact Radio.
The show is hosted by Dutch lightworker Maarten Horst and is presented in English.

Archangel Michael: Becoming a Light Upon the Path

Thanks to Indy Info
2011 NOVEMBER 28

Archangel Michael: Becoming a Light Upon the Path

Thru Ronna Herman
Nov 27,2011
Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your Divine heritage and your special gifts and talents. At rare intervals, and during the transitional period from one great Age to another, Cosmic Law allows the Beings of the angelic realm and the spiritual hierarchy to pass through the veil and make contact with select, awakened members of the human race. You must express a willingness and a desire to interact with these wondrous, advanced Beings, for they will not infringe upon your free will. When you focus your attention on a particular master, angel or Being of Light, they are immediately aware of you and will respond. The more intense, sincere and constant your desire, the more of their radiance they will bestow upon you.
Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart. You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you. Most likely, you will first connect with and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides or, sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you, especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime.
Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense–the intuitive mind, whereby you will have a direct line to your OverSoul Self and certain facets of your multiple Higher-Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Divine I Am Presence / God-Self. Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of Creator Light, for it will accelerate the ascension process and assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master so that you may fulfill your pledge to be a Light upon the Path and a Wayshower.
Remember, you can only access vibrational levels with which you and your Energetic Signature are compatible. That is why it is so important to have gone through a clearing/cleansing process in order to achieve a more balanced and harmonious State of Being within your mental and emotional bodies.
Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the Star Seed Wayshowers for the ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe.
Those of you who stepped to the fore were given a special dispensation whereby much of your minor imbalances would be cleared so that your earthly burden would not be too overwhelming. All that remained would be the major lessons that you needed to resolve so that you could return to a balanced and harmonious level of vibrational frequencies, thereby lifting your Energetic Signature / Soul Song to the mid-fourth dimension and higher.
A vast multitude of you, the Star Seed, are well on your way to Self-mastery; however, too many of this Wayshower group are still at slumber or in denial. Each of you has a major role to play in the accelerated evolutionary process that is now in progress. The genetic encodings of this group carry the best qualities of all the former root races, along with special memory cell encodings for the new Golden Root Race of the future. It is true that over time there have been great imbalances amongst this group of Souls, and many have not listened to the nudgings of their Spirit Self and have forgotten their earthly mission. However, deep within your Sacred Heart core, each of you were encoded with a Light Consciousness Cell that, when activated, would help you remember your promise to be our earthly representatives, and that your mission would be to strive with all your Beingness to become proficient cocreators of beauty, peace, harmony and abundance on the Earthly plane.
We wish to give you some basic information so you will be able to put what we are sharing with you in proper perspective. It is important that you not see yourselves as people of only one lineage, for all of you have experienced lifetimes in all the major root races. It is important that you do not place yourselves above those on the path behind you, for you have also been non-seekers and followers in many, many lifetimes. You have had black skin as well as the brown, white, red and yellow skin of the other root races, and you also have within your DNA all the distinct attributes, virtues and qualities of each of these races. In this lifetime, you chose to be born into a particular family or to live in a specific country for a very explicit reason.
At a universal level, after you had externalized into your individualized God-consciousness and had spent aeons of time in joyous cocreation, you and a harmonious group of Souls, which we will call “Soul family groups,” were called together in a great pyramid of Light in the higher realms. These Pyramids of Light would later be called WORLD SERVER PYRAMIDS, and they are scattered throughout the many sub-levels of the fifth dimension. You were told that there would come a time in the far distant future when a major phase of the Divine Plan would come to a culmination. Many specialized groups would be brought together who would have important roles to play in the “reunification process.” THAT TIME IS NOW!
Those of you we fondly call “Old Souls” are scattered throughout the world. True, there are greater numbers of these old Souls in some locations and cultures; however, this Vanguard group is scattered around the Earth from the most primitive rural areas to the most cosmopolitan and highly cultured cities. These brave Souls are not the people who run the government or make the headlines. They live on farms, for they love nature and the animals they care for. They have mundane jobs in every field of endeavor and quietly go about fulfilling their duties. They have positions of great responsibility and they serve their country and its people in a great variety of ways. They live in mansions and in hovels, and in every social level from the lowest to the highest. They are members of organized religious groups, and they worship in their own unique way. Many are attuned to the whisperings of their Higher Selves and have become masters of Self. Many others are well on their spiritual path, but unfortunately, there is a great multitude of these Star Seed Wayshowers who are still unconscious of their Divine nature and the promise they made so long ago.
Those of you who are in this group have encoded within your DNA the major virtues, abilities and qualities of the Atlantean race, that of leaders/pioneers/warriors. There is as a deep-seated desire to use your mental abilities along with the Divine Will and Power of our Father God in order to be major cocreators on the physical plane of reality. In addition, you are infused with the highest virtues, qualities and abilities of our Mother God, which were instilled in those Souls who came to Earth during the Golden Age of Lemuria, the gentle, nurturing, intuitive, inward focused qualities, and in addition, great artistic abilities and a desire for peace, tranquility and contemplation.
You have experienced a rich and wondrous spiritual heritage, and in the past you have been blessed to have so many magnificent Beings of Light in your midst, masters whose teachings have left you with wondrous guidelines for living a virtuous life. However, it is time to blend the past with the future, and humanity is experiencing a deep-seated need for guidance, inspiration and support from one another.
We are going to suggest a new way, and it is our greatest hope that some of you will take up the banner and be the future spiritual champions for the emerging new spirituality among Self-aware humankind. We ask you to begin to come together in order to study, support and inspire each other. We ask you to share your knowledge, your wisdom, your visions and your experiences with one another. We are aware of a great sense of loneliness amongst the peoples of the world–a sense of isolation. It is not enough to read the teachings we give you or those of the masters, or to visit a beautiful cathedral/temple and pay homage to God. It is a time of reunification, and you must begin to come together to share your love, wisdom and inspiration, a time to study together and to support one another. We are not asking you to build more great temples, for that is not where the gods of the future will dwell. You are the cocreators of the future–Divine Sparks of the Creator– who are being asked to take your rightful place in the grand march into the future.
Beloved ones, it is time to release all the guilt, shame and feelings of unworthiness that so many of you have carried as core issues from a very long time ago. You must heal the pain of the past so that you may assume your proper role in the wondrous plan for the future that is now unfolding so rapidly on planet Earth.
Through our messages, we have given you the tools, wisdom and insight to release all things in your life that do not serve your best interests and the greatest good. We implore you to take to heart what we have told you, over and over again, ‘You are worthy of all the love, beauty, joy, peace and abundance of this universe, for it is your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT.’ You must learn to love and respect yourself, and you must have a deep sense of self-worth before you can truly love and respect others, and before others will return the love and respect you so richly deserve.
We ask you to review the qualities, virtues and attributes of your Divine Heritage that you are now displaying. Are you projecting too much of the masculine Atlantean energy, and focusing too much on acquiring and creating? Remember, we have told you that you are looking for a “state of Being” or a “quality of life.” You can acquire great wealth and manifest many wondrous things materially, but if your heart center is closed or you have ignored and not developed your Lemurian /Goddess virtues and qualities, you will feel incomplete and experience a great sense of dissatisfaction.
Come together in groups of two, three, ten, one-hundred or one-thousand, it makes no difference; however, if you join together for the benefit of all, we promise you, we will be there in full force to empower you, to assist you and to radiate the love of our Father/Mother God to you in the greatest measure you can contain.
Your major goal at this time is to return to the originally designed spectrum of Light and shadows, the vibrational patterns that make up your personal world in the third- / fourth-dimensional reality. In doing so, your pendulum of consciousness will not swing so radically from positive to negative frequencies, and your mental and emotional natures will become stabilized and centered once more. This is an important step in learning to live centered within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. As you elevate your vibrational patterns, the higher frequencies of Light will gradually dissolve the many membranes of Light that restrict your higher consciousness. Once this occurs, you are well on your way to living a conscious, Soul-inspired life of a Self-master.
It is a most wondrous time, beloveds. We have been with you from the time you first externalized into your individual consciousness within this universe. We will be with you as we go forward into the bright new future, as we join forces with the mighty Elohim, the great builders of form in preparation for the fulfillment of the glorious new Age to come.
I send forth the radiance of our Father/Mother God as we enfold you in an aura of Divine Love/Light. In you, we are well pleased.
I AM Archangel Michael.

28.11.11 г.

1/28/11 God Message via TAUK & Suzanne Spooner

Thanks to Indy Info

Suzanne Poulson Spooner

by Suzanne Poulson Spooner on Monday, 28 November 2011 at 19:42
My Dear Ones,
You are the imagined perfections of love in a human existence. I know it usually doesn’t seem this way but that is your true origin.

In your decision to incarnate for this life, you, I and your guides sat together to decide what lessons you would experience and who the other souls you would interact with would be. Many scenarios were projected and only the best were chosen. In this choosing were people and events that would ensure your soul’s growth. Not all growth was seen as pleasant but all growth fit within the paradigm of duality and free will. We slipped in soul mates, fun and love to remind you of the reason you are here.

You are here in these unprecedented times to be a witness to the evolution of mankind. You asked to be a teacher, a student, an observer to the elevation of the planets vibration and shift in dimension. Some will be conscious observers, some will remain asleep in their day to day existence. All are connected to the understanding that all are gods & goddesses’ having a singular soul experience.

You receive support for this understanding each time your physical body sleeps or day dreams. It is no coincidence the human body requires sleep. This is your break from third dimensional reality. Aware or not, you are experiencing your true, divine self when you sleep. You have no limitations, no demands; only freedom to Be. This is you being Me. Universally, and even bigger than that, you know this. Be as you are created. Imagine how to mold this life into your dream reality. Trust that you are right where you need to be to learn what you came here for. Live Love Dear Ones.

27.11.11 г.

Hilarion – November 27-December 4, 2011

Thanks to Indy Info

Beloved Ones,
Each of you is feeling the pressure of opposing forces within yourselves. These energies are being brought into alignment within your Being and these energies manifest as a great feeling of tension, especially in your solar plexus area. Much strength of will is needed at this time in order to stay firmly on your Path. Daily align with your Divinity and see the Divinity in others and all will be well. The opposing forces within you are the last remnants of third dimensional thought patterns, habits and traits and though it is difficult, the only way through them is to experience and accept them by finding the point of balance within.
The calibration of your energy fields continues and sacred geometric codes are being sent to all of Humanity and constantly bombard the Earth. Each of you receives these codes by your intent to absorb all that you are able to assimilate and integrate each day. There are cycles of receptivity and there are times of rest and assimilation. You are now in the cycle of rest and assimilation and this will continue for some time. Honor yourselves and listen to your body elemental and follow the inner promptings you are given. Many of you are resting and sleeping a lot and this means that you are processing and assimilating these new energies that are intensifying and creating changes within your bodies as the transmutation continues.
Continue to observe all that wells up from within you and clear these as they come forth. These energies that create such discomfort within you are soon to dissipate and you will find your way much easier and more filled with grace. You are in the midst of the between time of the closing of one cycle and the beginning of another. All can be created anew and this is why we encourage each of you to decree, affirm and intend that which you want to see in your personal lives and in the World that you live in. Your dedication to the new cycle is known and recognized and we work with you to bring this into fruition. Seeing yourselves as embodying more of the Light can be very helpful at this time.
Walk with joy in your daily lives and be grateful for all that is coming forth for you, for gratitude tends to bring more of what you are grateful for into your lives and this sets the tone of the unified field of consciousness which surrounds the Earth and impacts everyone who is connected to it and where ever greater insights and growth are occurring and as this happens, remembrance of your reason and purpose, of more of the aspects of yourselves that you were not ready to bring forth before, are now coming into your awareness. Ask each day to integrate these newer aspects of yourselves and accept them fully.
The power of Love continues to work its magic upon each and every person on the Planet and when first amplified within each Soul, allows the space for that which is not Love to exit and be released. There are myriads of ways these receding energies could affect you if you do not practice detachment as they leave. Do not partake when these come forth but merely recognize and celebrate that they are leaving your system never to return. Soon the Path before you will clear and more understanding will enter your consciousness. Be at peace, Beloved Ones, love yourselves and each other and know that we are ever with you as you journey further on your Path to Ascension.
Until next week,
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. http://www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

A Short Message from SanJAsKa: Allow Heart to Unite with Mind

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Many of you are now being tested to your very cores at this time, and this testing is needed for your Divine self to burst through. Indeed, many of you are noticing that the old energy is now finally coming up for review, and this is review that is needed dear souls. For once you see this lower energy for what it really is, you will be able to grow past it. You will be able to grow into the Divine souls you have always wished to be. We guide to you now, not to let this tumultuous energy wave take you under, not to let yourselves be suppressed, and not to let yourselves feel that your Light is somehow dimmer than another’s, dear souls it is not!

All of you carry the same Light, all of you are made of the same Divine Logos, and no one person is ever more ‘in the right’ than others dear souls, do you see? We do not even consider ourselves ‘smarter’ than you all because ‘smarter’ is just a label dear souls, ‘smarter’ is just an illusion. Your minds and hearts are receptors for the energies that you bring through dear souls. Sometimes these energies are lower energies and sometimes they are higher energies but you must realize that these energies do not originate in your own body complexes. Indeed you are all receptors and you all have the choice at all times as to which energies come through you, as to which thoughts come to your mind, for these thoughts are energy as well.

The energies that come through your heart and the energies that come through your mind are one and the same dear souls for do you see, all is united. All is granted Harmony and Unity. Indeed, many of you are now realizing that a sharp mind is not enough to be granted your ascension processes. You must also feel your own hearts expanding, you must also feel Love for other souls, and this Love is great dear souls. You must feel the Love for one another, even if you have perceived differences. You must feel the Love, for Love is what will unite. Indeed, ‘mental gymnastics’ may try to separate souls, when separation is in fact an illusion dear souls.

There is no one person that has all the answers, there is no one soul that knows everything. As you allow heart to pair with mind, as you allow these two chakras to unite together, you will realize that this is truly what is needed at this time for you dear souls. You will realize that Loving and thinking are one and the same. Indeed, as we have said mind is not enough. We guide to you all now to treat all of those that you see with as much Love as if you were seeing us, because we are simply you in a more advanced form. We are simply you in an evolved form dear souls and we have wished you to know this.

Indeed if it helps, you may view all others around you as extraterrestrial because you do not originate on this planet, just as your feelings and thoughts do not originate in your own body and mind complexes. You do not come from this world dear souls!  Though many of you have found a comfortable home and a comfortable Living space on this world, we wish you to know that this world is not where you originate. You all originate from vast galaxies, from vast universes all throughout Creation and we were all first united in the realms of Mother/Father God.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.

About Wes Annac

I am simply a soul. A Divine being, as we all are. I find myself now on Earth for the purposes of helping humanity ascend back to the Light and Love we all know quite well deep down. I have genetic and spiritual ties to the Pleiadies star system as well as the inhabiting Pleiadians or Plejarans, and.I also feel a strong connection to the ascended social memory complex that is RA. I am here to help. I am here to be in service to humanity in any way I can. I feel a lot of Love for this planet and every soul inhabiting it. Much Love, Wes Annac :)

25.11.11 г.

СаЛуСа до мен – личен разговор – 24.11.11 – Проявление от Въображението в Реалността

Желаем ви чудесно празнуване на Деня на Благодарността.

Изпращаме нашите благодарности към всички вас. Днес действително е най-чудесният ден. Понеже ние носим чудесна новина. Ние се придвижваме със стъпка по-близо до вас всеки ден. Въпреки, че вие може да не сте наясно с това, на хоризонта има добри новини. Да, това са новините, за които мечтаете. Да, това са новините на радост и щастие, които всички вие заслужавате след много упорита работа и страдания по Майката Земя. Да, ние ви подготвяме с всичките ни толкова много послания, за великото пристигане сред човешкия вид.

Този канал прие да продължи с работата си за светлината и да усили работата си с нас. Ние очакваме с нетърпение да се запознаем с всички вас и да ви дадем впечатления относно това какво да очаквате от нас. Велики неща са просто зад ъгъла; няма време за болка, нито за страдание. Възрадвайте се, защото всичко, за което сте страдали, е на прага на разгръщането си пред самите ви очи. Нещата ще се развият много бързо, а вие ще трябва да сте подготвени да действате като маяк от светлина за много души, които не знаят какво се случва сега по Майката Земя.

Вашето време да заблестите наближава с много бързо темпо, така че повече не се страхувайте, скъпи приятели. Възрадвайте се на този чудесен ден и действително отдайте благодарност, че сте живи на Майката Земя за тези чудесни времена.

Ние наистина очакваме с нетърпение времената, когато ще ни бъде разрешено да сме с вас, открито, и без повече чувство на страх или тайна. Възможно е някои от вас да се натъкнат на нашия земен екип, правещи проучвания. Те също са на Майката Земя, изпратени от нашите кораби, за да ви опознаят и да ви доближат, без вие да знаете кои всъщност са те. Така че, скъпи мои, бъдете готови да срещнете вашите космически братя дори ако те изглеждат и се държат точно както вас.

Ние нежно ви обичаме и още веднъж изпращаме нашите най-велики надежди за любов и радост, които да се проявят на вашата красива планета. Нещата се проявяват във вашата реалност, вие призовахте онези чудесни неща да се проявят от другите измерения, от въображението във вашата реалност. Бъдете щастливи на този най-чудесен ден.

Аз съм СаЛуСа от Сириус и каквото и да ви разстройва каквото и да ви държи в страх, в тревожност, скоро ще се дематериализира и ще изчезне от повърхността на вашата планета.

Благодаря ви, СаЛуСА
Лаура Тайко

Channeller: Laura Tyco
Превод: Tauno
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channelings and related matters are being discussed on First Contact Radio.
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