
22.10.11 г.

Ascension Earth 2012: The Ceremonies are About to Begin.

 Thanks to OCCUPY 2012 Indy Info
You have come so far, individually, as well as a collective. A planet and its people do not ascend until the individuals who send their energy into the collective consciousness grid experience, mature, learn and grow. There have always been two paths for humanity to travel, one which there is no longer a need to discuss, and the path that has led to the doorstep humanity stands before at this very moment in time. It has been a very long journey for you and all as one, but humanity as a collective has reached the threshold of the higher dimensions because of individual souls like you who have succeeded in rising above all obstacles the illusion has so cunningly placed before you. You are a survivor, a fighter, a winner. You are a leader among men and women who have bravely persevered to forge your own path out of the darkness. You did not allow yourself to follow the Sirens call of the lower vibrations, you swam against the deadly rip currents of popular opinion, and you were wise enough not to fight fire with fire, violence with more violence, but with love. Love is the key. It is also the door, and everything beyond it. You were created by love, you are love, and you exist within love. Love is all there is, and you have discovered this for yourself. Congratulations dear ones, you have made it. It is time for your grand universal graduation ceremony to begin. Your family will be there to proudly watch you receive your diploma. They would never miss your biggest moment, and have traveled far to be here for the celebration. It is your day, you have earned it. It is soon time for you to open your graduation present which promises to be everything you have ever wanted, needed, or even dreamed of.   
Ascension Earth 2012: The Ceremonies are About to Begin.

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