
9.08.11 г.

Super Seven Melody Stone

Super Seven is also known as Sacred Seven or Melody's Stone. These powerful stones link all of humanity... and epitomize the universal brotherhood of man... and sisterhood of women!
These crystals are very different to normal stones... as embodied within them are the energies of seven different stones.
These high crystal energy stones have a vibration that will help metaphysical activities on a variety of levels. This energy aids spiritual and psychic workers to take their talents to the next level higher. Anyone who has already developed any psychic powers, will understand why many people prefer to call these Sacred Seven Stones.
The process of planetary ascension is being overseen by powerful beings in the spiritual realm... and they have created these stones to aid us. Super Seven stones have a highly spiritual vibration within them... that has the purpose of moving our planet to where it needs to be.This energy brings many users to a point where they feel a strong internal push to make changes... and also to be of service to others... especially others who are on the same spiritual path and working to aid our planet.
Once you begin to use these stones and make a connection to an individual crystal... you may move your gifts to a new level.
Super Seven stones carry a deep spiritual energy that links all of humanity... and is said to be changing the vibratory level of the whole planet. The process of ascension involves not only the people but the whole planet... which is moving to a higher level vibrationally.
As you begin to use one of these Scared Seven stones, you may find that within these stones resides a spiritual being that is waiting to work with you.
If you use the amazing guidance that they offer you... you will gain new gifts and move forwards spiritually.
These stones not only aid the user to move to new levels. but they aid other lower vibration stones in their vicinity to a have a stronger and more positive effect as well.
Use them for healing yourself and others... as well as the area where you live... and you will benefit the entire planet. 
Thanks to " Healing Crystals for you" site which provides this information. I hope it may be of help.

Today is 9th of August 2011, SaLuSa mentioned the heart, our Mother Earth`s heart and the heart of the Galaxy, and our hearts too, we are entering into the age of heart. Let spread our Love and Light around to help our Mother Earth to heal herself

Днес е 9ти август 2011, СаЛуСа спомена сърцето, сърцето на нашата Майка Земя и сърцето на Галактиката , и също нашите сърца, навлизаме в епохата на сърцето. Да разпръснем нашата Любов и Светлина наоколо, за да помогнем на Майката Земя да се излекува


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