
31.12.11 г.

Разговор - Алъндейл 31.12.11г - Плановете на заговорниците за 2012г.

Добър ден, любима. Бях далеч в родния си свят за малко, но виждам, че нещата са се развивали добре тук. Има повече светлина сега, хвърлена върху твърденията на Дейвид във връзка със Златото, радвам се да видя, че повечето от вас нямат търпение да донесат повече информация към сърцата на онези, които са в паника относно финансовата система.

Както ви беше казано преди, това е ситуация, създадена, проектирана от тъмните заговорници, аз също ви казах, че количеството на златото е голямо и изобилно. Не се оставяйте да бъдете заблудени от всички онези, които искат да ви хванат чрез….знаете какво имам предвид! Заговорниците ви искат притиснати в ъгъла в страх и отчаяние, за да ги снабдите с все повече и повече власт над вас. Те искат вие да се съмнявате във всичките си сетива, в собствената си преценка, а страхът и паниката са техни любими оръдия.

Идеята за наличието на щастлива, независима и интелектуално еволюирала човешка раса е отблъскваща за тях, тъй като всичко, което те желаят, е да експлоатират вашите страх, невежество и съмнения. Бъдете внимателни с фалшивите пророци в идващата година повече от когато и да било преди. Най-голямата опасност, която вие можете да представлявате за заговорниците, е да бъдете щастливи, задоволени, да сте уверени и достойни. Започна изобличението на интелектуалците и свободните мислители. Заговорниците насърчават и подкрепят поведение на предателство, дребнавост, алчност и плиткоумие.

Заговорниците нямат чест, нито достойнство, нито съчувствие, нито доброта. Тяхна цел също е да измъкнат от вас всякакво чувство за благосъстояние, на свобода и ви отказват достъп до По-висшето ви съзнание. Те искат вие да се мотаете в лъжите, с които сте били захранени и да разчитате на фалшиви пророци. Те желаят да ви държат затворени в малка кутия и да ви хранят, с каквото искат и когато искат. За тях човешката раса не е нищо друго освен добитък. Стадни животни, които те искат да държат под пълен контрол, без да имате представа за истинската си природа.

Стремете се да станете това, което вече наистина сте, стремете се да се обедините с вашето космическо семейство, стремете се да се обедините с вашите по-висши центрове, с вашия висш аз. Вие сте раса от Богове, от истински божествен произход, вие сте същества, изградени от светлина, обвързани с материята. Това може да бъде много щастливо обединение на Божията Искра и Божието Творение. Това може да бъде прекрасно изживяване на любовта, радостта, докато преодолявате мрака и материалните ограничения.

През идващата година, ще ви се даде възможност да блеснете и да се освободите веднъж за винаги от илюзията. Ще ви се представят много предизвикателства, но знайте, че нито едно от тези предизвикателства някога ще бъде твърде голямо за вас, за да не можете да го преодолеете с божествената помощ отгоре и заедно с вашите приятели и космически братя. Когато се чувствате извън равновесие, спомнете си кои сте вие и че сте обичани отвъд представите ви.

Лаура Тайко

Channeller: Laura Tyco

Превод: Tauno
Всички права запазени
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights
Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not
alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the
author, and you include this copyright notice

Every Monday night from 8 to 8:55 pm
channelings and related matters are being discussed on First Contact Radio.
The show is hosted by Dutch lightworker Maarten Horst and is presented in English.

30.12.11 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/30/11

Mermaid Dreams by Jim Warren

The universe is full of magick and adventure which, if you have not discovered for yourself already, will be at your fingertips as you ascend into the higher realms of possibility. 3D Earth has also possessed her share of magick and secrets, but these aspects of your experience have been quite limited. Soon to be unlimited are your new powers and your new experiences throughout the vastness of space. You will explore unknown and uncharted corridors and meet new races and species of beings. You will discover countless new varieties of life; intelligent, animal, aquatic, and you will also find all beings possess greater intelligence than you might have previously imagined. Such are the many varieties of the animal kingdom of your planet Earth. The reality of the advanced levels of consciousness of some of your species has been purposely kept from you, as well as even the existence of some of your intelligent life on your planet, although many of you have done your own research and have come to the conclusion, without the necessity to be told what is and what is not by your so-called leaders, of what is myth and what is based on fact. You may learn as you advance along your journey that there is very little of your history that is entirely myth, and that there is some truth to be found in many of your legends and folklore. We, the Galactic Federation, have chronicled intricately your history, and all truths will be offered you if you find you wish to possess this knowledge. There will be no more secrets, no more lies and cover-ups. Such will be your new lives, full of wonder, new knowledge and freedom to dwell anywhere you wish and take back home with you the secrets of your quest.
There exists such a rich history of your planet, and to relearn much of what you have been led to believe will take some time, but it will be time very well spent and we are confident many of you will greatly enjoy rediscovering the long-lost secrets of your past. Many of you have a history, even some of you a very long history, beyond the boundaries of planet Earth. The universe is far older than you may have been told, and many of you will undoubtedly be surprised to learn you have a history and even some memories of lives and events from very great distances into the recorded history of this universe.
Today, you stand with just moments left of your third dimensional incarnations into the physical relative to the long journey you have been engaged upon for eons. If the collective of your days from all your physical incarnations could be mounted upon one 24-hour period, your time left before your new journey begins can only be measured in seconds. This is the point you have reached today. Many of you are beginning to feel the excitement of what this truly means for you and what awaits you now just up ahead on your journey.
If you could have just a brief glimpse from our perspective, you may be a soul whose joy and youthful excitement would be quite a chore to contain as you try to carry on with your very last days of duality. Others around you could only wonder what was creating such bliss inside of you. Such is one aspect of the overall plan. Lead by example. Radiate the joy, happiness and excitement you feel inside knowing that every dream you ever had and any possible wish you could ever make is awaiting your imminent arrival just a few steps further ahead after your very long journey. For this is a powerful way to help spread the word, the vibration of your new and eternally blissful days ahead.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.

AA Gabriel: 2012 ~ A New Evolution of Consciousness

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture
People of the world, unite in Divine Love, and let your hearts sing together in the Light of true Peace.
The now infamous year of 2012 allows you many new opportunities to be what you came on earth to be. The responsibility you hold as Light Workers means that you are here to bring more Light through you to the Earth, and ground the evolutionary frequencies. Your willingness to work with Divine Light has been one of the powerful ways this new consciousness has been born onto the planet.
The new higher frequencies you carry are transforming your very being. As you allow these Spirals of Light-filled Consciousness to be integrated within you a newborn, complete 12 Chakra system is created for your evolution. These energy frequencies radiate through you and out to the planet. Through your agreement to carry new frequencies of Divine Light, you are literally changing the world.
So many are asking, “what is my Soul’s purpose?” We must answer; you are here to hold new frequencies of Light and to anchor them into the Earth. As you do this all, including the Earth, will evolve. This allows the particular form of your purpose to manifest in a more fertile environment in which you can work. Know that you are not limited in this process. Your declaration of intention will create the hookups necessary with the forces of Light working through you. In the meantime, dedicate yourself to creating alignment with the new elevation of your chakra system so you can ground and embody the manifestation of these energy frequencies in the world.
The support systems becoming available through this new evolution of energy systems are magnificent. As close as your thoughts, as near as your breath, you are interacting with higher frequencies of Intelligence and Love. The Christ Light shines as a brilliant Star of Consciousness that can be invited through your energy centers. Allow your very personal energy system to be lit up by this star. Through you this Divine Consciousness can be anchored into the Soul of the Earth, the deep and vital connection with your new 1st chakra. Know that it is safe to carry these frequencies of Light. Your energy system is evolving to allow you to use this awareness.

Bless all the Situations Within and Around You with Divine Light
Confusion and chaos around you may seem more intense. The truth of what it means to have an evolution of consciousness becomes more clear when fear is released and you allow yourself to stay in the present moment. Within the power of the Now you are cared for completely. You can trust that the consciousness you carry within your energy fields attracts the same to you in the future. Bringing Light into your present moment and staying in touch with your inner guidance system inspires heart-centered action moment to moment. Your clarity about the world you intend to inhabit and your intention for bringing more Light into every situation provide the keys to connection with this heightened guidance system.
You will be working with all the spiritual tools you have ever been given, and plenty of new ones, as the year evolves. Know that the years that follow 2012 are equally important. The shift in consciousness will not stop at the end of this famous year. After the upheaval and change in systems on a personal inner level, the physical plane must reflect the change in consciousness. This usually takes a longer period as new structures are put into place. That is why your grounded awareness and commitment to embody the new light frequencies becomes an important focal point of this new time. You cannot force things to happen. It is a lesson for you in allowing the creation of your highest intention to evolve in more beneficial ways than you can imagine.
But it will not be done for you. You are the ones who create the new world by your willingness to hold the new frequencies of Light, Divine Love and Universal Awareness. When you take it a step at a time, it will not be overwhelming. One more important thing for you to remember is, there has never been a time when you have so much Divine assistance as you have now and throughout 2012. Miracles occur when the Forces of Light are invited to assist the process.
Here is a prayerful suggestion for you:
Divine Presence, God, Goddess, All That Is,

Surround me with the Light of your protection. Fill me with the Light of your Love. Let this Light align my being with Divine Intelligence. Allow my body to receive and gracefully integrate these frequencies to assist my spiritual evolution. As I embody these new energy frequencies, I ask to be a grounded presence that anchors Light and Love. Let me be a blessing to assist the earth in receiving the respect and sanctity she deserves.

May all beings find Love in their hearts and allow Divine Love to motivate their actions. May Peace prevail within all people and all communities. And may the world leaders receive the Grace of Divine Intelligence and bless the world with their Peace-filled presence. May we always live in Harmony with each other and with the Earth.  

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  So be it. Be it so. Amen
People of the world, unite in Divine Love. May 2012 to be a year for a spontaneous evolution of consciousness that allows the Earth and all beings to thrive.
And so it is.
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.

СаЛуСа до мен – 30.12.11г. – Желания

Ние сме толкова доволни да сме тук, за да бъдем свидетели на вашето пробуждане както индивидуално, така и като Галактическа Цивилизация. Вашата връзка с нас е древна и красива. Ние сме били свързани с вас генетично, а вашата и нашата история са в известен смисъл доста подобни. Вероятно основното изключение е, че ние винаги сме се сражавали с известен враг, докато вие не винаги сте били наясно кой е врагът в този случай.

Основаването на Галактическата Федерация беше усетено от Божественото като необходимост за правилното функциониране и администриране на Вселената. Ние, Сирианците, като раса винаги чувствахме необходимостта от такава федерация, за да се прояви Божествената воля. Ние сме толкова доволни от тази мисия тук, с вас. Откакто вие сте за нас, наши съседи, а ние имаме общи врагове, това е най-малката причина за нашата близост. В действителност за нас разстоянието до Земята би било еквивалентно на пътуване из провинцията.

Скоро планетата Земя ще има доста централно място в тази Галактика и във Вселената. Повечето от вас са далеч от представата каква голяма чест ви е оказана да бъдете инкарнирани тук по това време. Очакваме с нетърпение да ви разкажем повече за нашата обща история, докато вашите спомени ви бъдат върнати. Скъпи приятели, този момент наближава все повече, а вие сте далеч от представата за него. Веднъж, след като отново се свържете с нашата култура, разбира се ще бъдете приветствани да посетите Сириус, а онези от вас, които произхождат от там, ще се радват да се свържат пак с всичките си приятели и семейството.

Много скоро всички вие ще разберете и всичко това ще има смисъл, тъй като ще вървите към Издигането. Моля ви да разберете, че ние очакваме с нетърпение да се свържем отново с вас, нашето дълго изгубено семейство, без вас ние се чувстваме незавършени. Това е на културно ниво, но също и на персонално ниво, тъй като вашето отсъствие се усеща в семейства и от вашите партньори, които са на Сириус. Моментът на Разкриването не зависи от нас, както знаете. Той е в ръцете на нашите Земни Съюзници и във вашите собствени ръце.

Бъдете сигурни, че колкото по-скоро се почувстваме приветствани на мирна Земя, ние ще сме повече от щастливи да направим нашето присъствие официално известно. 2012 година все още ще има предизвикателства за вас, тъй като вашата цивилизация бавно се преструктурира.Новите честни правителства, водени от нашите Земни Съюзници, ще имат нашето пълно доверие и приятелство. Подозираме, че ще отнеме толкова, колкото нашите Земни Съюзници изискваха за обявяване на Разкриването. Ние ще изчакаме такъв момент, когато бихме сметнали за безопасно за вас и нас да си взаимодействаме открито.

Аз съм СаЛуСа от Сириус и ви пожелавам на всички много пълноценна 2012година. Нашето присъствие на ваша страна е постоянно във вашето знаещо сърце. Ние споделяме вашето желание, копнеж и болка по дългоочакваното обединение. Галактическата Федерация на Светлината изпраща нашите най-добри пожелания за вашата нова година.

Благодаря ви, СаЛуСа
Лаура Тайко

Channeller: Laura Tyco

Превод: Tauno
Всички права запазени
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights
Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not
alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the
author, and you include this copyright notice

Every Monday night from 8 to 8:55 pm
channelings and related matters are being discussed on First Contact Radio.
The show is hosted by Dutch lightworker Maarten Horst and is presented in English.

СаЛуСа – 30.12.11г.

Във време, когато вие откривате, че имате способността да внесете безусловна любов в живота си, а ние изпращаме тази енергия към всички души на Земята. Ние имаме задължението да ви окажем всяка помощ, за да придобиете състояние на съществуване, което ще ви подготви за Издигане. Вашата роля е да сте наясно и да сте възприемчиви към такива енергии и да ги въведете в употреба във вашия ежедневен живот. Това изисква нов начин на мислене, тъй като сега повечето животи са контролирани от егото, което работи за вашето себелюбие. Това е последното предизвикателство, което е най-трудното за преодоляване, но вие можете да се справите и ще се чувствате въодушевени, че сте в абсолютен себеконтрол.
Тъмните сили постепенно се примиряват с поражението си и с всеки изминал ден губят все повече мощност. Те виждат движенията за мир по света, тъй като все повече и повече хора осъзнават ценността на обединението и това, че чрез огромно мнозинство те постигат целите си. Тъмните сили винаги се страхуваха от деня, в който хората биха се събудили за истинската си същност и за силата, която притежават. Страхът повече не е мощното оръжие, което беше, а Светлината носи хората през периоди на несигурност и им дава силата да ги преодоляват. Събитията, които са на път да се случат и са от съществено значение за вашия напредък, се придвижват в етап на готовност, за да се осъществи следващата стъпка. Това означава, че 2012 година няма да се забави и ще бъде почти шествие на промени, една след друга.
Вие сте тези, които са инструментите за донасяне на промените в живота ви и както ние го виждаме, вие няма да бъдете ни най-малко разочаровани. Вие чакахте дълго да започне това пътуване обратно към по-висшите измерения и едва забелязахте, че то вече е започнало. Въпреки това в тази започваща година промените ще се ускорят доста драматично, особено що се отнася до вашите нива на съзнание. Това ще доведе до взаимното ви приемане отвъд раси и културни различия, което също ще ви помогне да се обедините. Хората по същество са доброкачествени Същества и естествено миролюбиви по природа.
Ние от Галактическата Федерация сме много активни сега, тъй като ставаме все по-пряко включени във въпросите, които се развиват на Земята. Гарантира се, че нашите съюзници процедират с темпото, което е необходимо, за да се внесат първите големи промени. От друга страна ние продължаваме нашите почистващи дейности в атмосферата и поддържаме строг контрол върху всяко действие, което има за цел да започне друга война. Със забраняването на ядрените войни ние започнахме период на мирно съществуване, което в крайна сметка ще доведе до премахването и унищожаването на всички оръжия на войната. В по-високите измерения няма място за такива неща, нито за мисли за какъвто и да било вид агресия.
Търсенето на мир преобладава в умовете на толкова много хора, а тази мощна енергия е инструмент за привеждането му в съществуване. Като гледаме вашата Земя, става очевидно, че Мрежите от Светлина сега са изключително силни и издигат Земята нагоре в по-високите вибрации, тъй като подобното привлича подобно. Процесът на Издигането шества напред и тъмните сили не могат повече да го задържат. Техният ден свърши и малко остава преди да ги обградим и да ги затворим там, където тяхната сила и влияние нямат никакъв шанс да ви попречат. Тяхната мечта за световно господство сега е заменена от мечта за световен мир в резултат на визуализирането, проектирано от вас.
Ще има периоди на трудности и неудобства за вас, тъй като мрежата на контрол, въведена от тъмните сили, е разглобявана. Това на практика се отнася до финансовите и паричните промени, но бъдете сигурни, че имаме нашите съюзници, които са напълно информирани и готови да действат в кратки срокове. Правителствените промени няма да причинят много проблеми, тъй като ще има приемственост и контрол, докато те се провеждат. Разкриването като съобщение естествено ще доведе до голяма дискусия и ще допринесе за много откровения, за да се разкрие това, което е било скрито от вас най-малко през миналия век. Това на свой ред ще доведе до значителни промени чрез въвеждането на предимства и нови технологии, които вие вече би трябвало да използвате. Веднъж, след като ние открито можем да работим с вас, ще ви дадем предимството на нашето напреднало наблюдение на вашата Земя, що се отнася до физическите промени.
Имайте предвид, че основните промени няма да се случат преди Издигането, а след това, когато онези от по-висше съзнание ще заемат местата си като новите Галактически Същества. В крайна сметка вие ще станете като нас и ще се радвате на същите възможности и ще преживявате пълно щастие. През каквито и преживявания да трябва да преминете докато се издигнете, продължавайте да се фокусирате върху бъдещето и те няма да изглеждат толкова трудни. Онези от вас, които са добре информирани, ще бъдат авангард от Служители на Светлината, които ще помогнат на другите да разберат какво се случва. Веднъж след като медиите са свободни от цензурата и други контроли да говорят, вие можете да бъдете сигурни, че те ще бъдат вашите основни източници на информация.
И така, всичко е настроено за наистина бързо движещи се събития и промени, които ще ви отведат до точка, която вече би трябвало да сте достигнали. Така ще достигнете до новите нива на етапи и ще сте добре подготвени за следващата голяма стъпка напред, която е Издигането. Ще бъде нещо като водовъртеж, веднъж, след като започне, но ще е вълнуващо, ако гледате на това от гледна точна на информиран за него. Много души, които една сега се пробуждат, ще бъдат напълно смутени и естествено ще се страхуват. Това може да се очаква, когато внезапно сте извадени от обичайната си среда в неизвестното. Обаче, хората скоро ще разберат, че на нас от Галактическата Федерация е възложена задачата да ви изведем безопасно през промените. Естествено някои души ще са избрали да напуснат Земята преди Издигането, но те не са лишени от възможността да се възнесат и могат да го направят директно от Астралните Полета.
Аз съм СаЛуСа от Сириус и въпреки че ние не работим във вашето линейно време, все пак разбираме начина, по който вие разчитате на този начин на измерване. Ние усещаме въздишка на облекчение сред вас, тъй като сте на прага на 2012г, с всички очаквания за материализирането на обещанията, които ви дадохме. Ако някога е имало сигурност, че събитията ще се развият както се очаква, то вие сте прави, що се отнася до годината 2012. Радваме се за всички вас, тъй като ние искаме вие да бъдете с приповдигнат дух и да продължите напред, пълни с надежди и радост. Нека мечтите ви да се сбъднат и пътят ви да бъде пълен с Любов и Светлина.
Благодаря ви, СаЛуСа
Майк Куинси
Превод : Tauno

29.12.11 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/29/11

Good vs Evil by FeathersinFlight

The lines have been drawn on the surface of the Earth by those who are for the new changes that will usher in humanity's new Golden Age, or those that oppose them. Where do you stand? The time to decide is upon you. We need no fence sitters here; this is not why you have journeyed here. You have come to choose a side and fight for what you believe is right. Do you support love, light, justice and equality? Or do you stand for control, rule, domination and enslavement? The choice is entirely yours; there are no wrongs or rights here. All is choice. You decide which vibration you wish to stand for and take action to defend it.  The battle has already begun and sides have already been drawn. This epic saga has reached a culmination point with the scales tipping as you read this. Now is the time to get involved. Now is the time to fulfill your purpose. Why are you here? What is it all about? It is time you now understand these questions.
Many have journeyed here to be a part of history. To be incarnate as a member of the human race as their history is altered forever. You felt this task was important enough to take great lengths to be here, and now that you are here and we are well into the final chapter it is time to fulfill your destiny. There are others here who have already taken sides, and not all of these souls have chosen to be a part of the light. The dark as many legions and many soldiers, powerful weaponry, advanced technology and an endless assortment of ruthless tricks, yet their front line continues to be pushed back steadily every day and they are proving to be no match for the forces of light. If you possess darkness in your heart then join your brethren in the ranks of the cabal where you are needed. If your heart aligns with the forces of light then you understand now where you are being called. It is time to don your armor and pull your sword, whether it be of light or dark.
As we quickly approach now the end times, a winner in this struggle will be awarded. It has been decreed there must be a clear winner in this epic struggle between the light and the dark. There are those who have chosen to remain as spectators to this battle, and we honor always the choice of every soul. You are free to choose now and at any time withdraw your decision. There is no judgment or punishment of any kind for this. The biggest ‘crime’ comes in not choosing, as turning a blind eye to this grand masterpiece of theatrical drama wastes so this incredible opportunity for learning and for growth. We ask you at this time to weigh your options and follow your hearts call, and take a side in this struggle. Stand shoulder to shoulder with your brothers and sisters of like vibration and see this battle to its end.
You are all on your way to being so much more than you are today. The universe is an incredibly vast and wondrous place for you to journey and explore. All will be opened for you when your shared experience is completed here in the 3D world of the physical. There are truly wonders for you to behold and very many different worlds inhabited by so many different beings throughout the cosmos. Today, you are building your wings that will enable you to take flight through this universe. Do you understand this? Do you sense you are moments away from stepping through a magical doorway? All that the Creator has designed for you is soon to be yours. All are gifts, though you have earned them throughout your many and often difficult incarnations into the physical. For those of you who so choose, these incarnations are completed and an eternity of joyful bliss awaits you. You have many friends and family awaiting you on the other side of this thinning veil, and it will not be much longer until the curtain lifts for you.
We are your Family of Light the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Wes Annac – SanJAsKa: Christ-Encoded Energy is coming through the Bodies of Many

Thanks to Indy Info
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The end of the year festivities and holidays are coming and going and for many of you, you feel as if taking a short break from spiritual disciplines is the right way to go as you enjoy celebrating such festivities. We encourage your willingness to take a rest, as the year 2012 is going to be so very busy. We do encourage you relaxing and recharging your cells, but as always we must remind you that keeping to your spiritual disciplines is of utmost importance, simply because getting used to performing such disciplines will make your continuing ascension process so very much easier. A very big part of your ascension process is learning to let go of earthly attachments and commitments to that which only temporarily feeds your need for materialistic stimulation. You are being tested in quite difficult and sometimes hard for you to understand ways, but when you look for the Love behind the lesson, and when you dig deep down to realize why what you are being shown is happening before your eyes, upon review you will see that in every occurrence, what happened was meant to for your own greater good, for your own learning of lessons.
Again, many of you are being tested in difficult ways. Many of you are receiving and continuing to indulge in earthly things which may serve to keep you down. Do not get us wrong dear souls, there are Earthly things which do lead to enjoyment and an enhanced connection to the Love and Harmonious and Joyus feelings that exist in the realms of consciousness you will soon be inhabiting. Quite a lot of the things that many of you now consider normal and in some cases take for granted, were in fact brought to your world from other worlds, from other Solar Systems and even Galaxies in this universe. Many of the pleasures Man experiences today were brought [to your world] from advanced worlds, whose citizens were perfecting such luxuries before looking to spread the wealth. Many of you are now tempted on a day-to-day basis with earthly things which on the surface, seem to be pleasant and delightful, but that are made up of ingredients which are meant to weaken the body.
This will be one of the harder truths for much of humanity to accept; that many of the foods that are enjoyed the world over, contain  things that are designed to keep the average human who is digesting such foods, in a weaker state. Many of you who are more sensitive have begun to notice a heavy or sour feeling in your stomach when ingesting meats or other heavy and greasy foods. This is because your vibrations are now geared toward ascension, and as such your body is beginning to inhabit increasingly pure realms of consciousness as the Logos energy being funneled through your spirit complexes continues to upgrade your DNA. [You begin to become incompatible with the lower vibrations of the meats and heavy foods as this process continues.]
Some of you feel as if you have no connection to this Logos energy which is upgrading the DNA of many, and we wish you to know that as long as your interest and intent is guided toward the ascension path, as long as you take a real interest in ascension and have made the choice that you do wish to ascend, as long as you have done these things, then you are on a hookup, a steady connection to and flow with the high Logos energy that is coming through your Sun to your world and to all of your bodies. In many cases this Logos energy not only finds a healthy energy gate in your Sun, but now through the spirit complexes of many of you, as so many of you have begun to feel the Divine Violet Flame rising up inside of you, you are proclaiming your continued use of this, your weapon of the Light, [and you are bringing this energy through as it upgrades you and your reality.]
Mass amounts of pure, Christ-encoded Logos energy is now coming through the bodies and spirits of millions of souls on your world, and this Logos is being held in not only the core of Dear Gaia who is using such Love to help heal areas that need is most, this Love is also being steadily fed through your Energy Grid. Mother Earth is keeping reserved vast amounts of Logos energy to help usher in the opening of more pure and sacred gates of energy along the synchronistical aligned dates on the Cosmic Calendar. When one is able to disconnect from the earthly distractions, a big distractions being television, when one is able to simply unplug from all of that noise, from all of the lower frequency tones invading their sprit complex on a daily basis, they will find within themselves the higher realms of Living, waiting to burst forth through them, to the earthly reality that many of you wish now to see upgraded.
When one surrenders the materiality, which we understand is extremely hard for many of you to do, one will find that doing so is so very worth it. One will find a greater and easier access and flow to the heavenly realms, and to us beings inhabiting these realms who Love you all so very much and care for you so very dearly. You are us dear souls, and we are you. We are all One, and saying that is easy, but truly Living it and truly feeling as One with all Life, that is the part which has proven difficult for many on your world. The lower vibrations are quite a convincing illusion, and the many things that you are now being tested to give up are a part of this illusion and are serving to hold you as a conduit for illusory energy.
This denser energy will funnel through your complex as you preoccupy yourself with whatever gadget is producing the mind-invading tones, and you will produce through your natural Creation powers, more illusion rather than unplugging your various earthly devices and finding and maintaining a steady connection to Source, to the higher energies that are serving to uplift your bodies and your entire reality. Once you are able to do this, you will find yourself Creating the New World that we all wish to see, rather than maintaining the old world, the illusory paradigm that is manifested through much of your world’s media. We know that many of you will come to these conclusions and truly feel them in your own time, but we do very dearly wish to see you realize now, before it gets any more difficult trying to exist in and maintain a third dimensional reality that is ceasing increasingly to exist on this world, that maintaining a healthy connection to Source and to us, your brothers and sisters from the stars and for many of you, your guides, will see you better equipped and well-ready for the sweeping changes at hand.
Thank you to SanJAsKa.

28.12.11 г.

Galactic Federation Message 12/28/11

We are all souls who have traveled greatly to be here at this time. We are all souls who are here to accomplish a great task. This task has been acknowledged as important enough for so many souls from so many different parts of this, as well as other universes to have journeyed here. There are billions incarnated in your world today and there are millions more onboard spacecrafts in orbit around your planet. What has been deemed the most important project this universe has ever seen is the ascension of your planet and her people, as what happens here truly affects this entire universe. Many have journeyed here vast distances, and there are even beings who have journeyed here from your future. They have traveled back in time to be here, in service to humanity on our shared mission. This should give you some idea of just how important this project is in light of this information. Ask yourself what you can do to assist this effort. Helping to spread the word of what is transpiring here is a grassroots effort that is vital to our cause. Without sufficient numbers of those of your world aware of our purpose and their purpose as well, events must be delayed. We wish to proceed with the first contact mission as time is running short. The ascension of humanity and your host planet is the triumphant conclusion to other important events we wish to commence as soon as is possible. Disclosure announcements and the replacement of your government officials who are mere puppets of the dark cabal is of primary importance, and the sooner these tasks can be accomplished the better for all of us.
We are happy to report that news of our presence here is spreading throughout your world quite rapidly. We would like to see this news continue to spread, and your efforts are greatly appreciated as they are the major catalyst, as most of your media outlets are still controlled by the cabal. There are a few exceptions to this, as agreements have been reached with a few of your media companies to release information that can act as a desensitizer for our first contact announcements. We have instructed you to begin making preparations for these announcements as this day is drawing very near. Stock up on household items that you would need to get you through a short period if stores and possibly several utilities are made unavailable for a period of a few days or even a few weeks.  It is difficult for us to estimate precisely how long it will take for many people to accept our presence and willfully return to their jobs at stores and even utility companies. In time, both your food stores and all your utility companies will become relics of your past, as far advanced methods to supply your homes with food and energy will begin to be made available to you as soon as we are free to land on your soil. Such are the gifts we offer you in peace and friendship. You are our brothers and sisters after all, and we wish you to enjoy all the gifts that make life as easy and enjoyable as possible as we have been so blessed.
Behind-the-scenes much continues and again, you will find little evidence of these proceedings reported in your media. There are, though, a few stories that foreshadow a restructuring of your entire financial and political world. The fall of the Euro Dollar and the replacement of the leader of North Korea are just two examples of events that have been triggered by unreported proceedings. In your skies, increasing numbers of our ships are being videotaped and photographed by citizens throughout your world and the sightings will continue to increase as the days go by. Some of the sightings are, and will continue to be difficult for even the most diehard skeptic to dismiss. This is part of the plan, and we will steadily increase our efforts in this regard. Evidence of our ships can also be seen while utilizing space oriented software programs freely available on the Internet. 
Our messages will continue in this manner right up until the moment of disclosure and even for some time afterwards. You will have little, if any, advanced notice of our announcements as we wish not to give advanced notice to the cabal or any of their minions which may allow them time to create a distraction as they have so often done before. Instead, our disclosure announcements will come as a surprise to even our channels and to those of you who regularly read our communications. In this light, do not feel disclosure and first contact are events far into your future simply because no dates have yet to be announced. Due to our ongoing battle with the dark, no advanced notice will be given. Know dear ones, this day will come. We now have a good idea of when these announcements will commence and they are not very far off.
Until then, keep looking to the skies and continue to spread the news of our presence. Every day is the day for you to also work on clearing any past issues that may be left unresolved in you, as these issues are just as important to your ascension as the outer issues of your world. As we have said; ‘as above-so below’ has many meanings for you to understand at this time and this will all become much clearer to you in the days ahead. 
We wish you to know that all of our plans are proceeding very efficiently, and the dark forces are losing ground each and every day. It will not be much longer now until we can report that the last cabal soldier has been rounded up and removed from this quadrant of space. This will be quite an historic day for humanity, one of many days that will be written into your new history books in the days ahead. Keep your faith and your hopes alive. The end is truly insight, and your new glorious beginning is so very close at hand. 
We are your Family of Light from the stars.

~We are as close as ever to you~~ A Love Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture
~We are as close as ever to you~~

A Love Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High council.

We are as close as ever to you. We are present in your skies. We stand by your shores. We watch you and breathe your atmosphere. Your wishes are our command. We modulate as much as possible the chaos of these times on the Earth. Present are we and shall be.
Some of you are aware of our presence and others would wish us away. I am pleased to say that we are here for the duration. The direction that the Earth is taking requires us to be of assistance. There is more need than ever for direction and guidance. This is a new type of ascension that is happening. It will be a bold venture for all of you. It is now becoming more obvious that the Earth and all of you are proceeding forward and towards a new way of living.

We can tell you that we are pleased with your progress. Those of you who are attendant to the needs of the Earth and to each other in the name of the Light are making giant strides in the cause of ascension. Little by little the third dimension becomes less real to you. What matters is that you do what matters. Spreading your love, Light, energy and attention where it is needed is paramount. We know that we can count on you. Likewise you can count on us. We are all contributing vast amounts to the process at hand.
There is a huge amount of energy and love coming from the Creator right now to you. It weaves back and forth. The Earth needs it. She needs all of us. It is through a miraculous process that the Earth is coming back into the fold of the galactic brotherhood and sisterhood. Change after change brings all of you closer to us in a profound manner. Your progress is amazing. The Creator wants you to know that too.

As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms. We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.

This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.
Little by little you will see that you have grown leaps and bounds. You will see that you are fulfilling your destiny in everything you do and in the reason that you are on the Earth right now. Remember that even when things seem cloudy and murky you will always know what to do. Trust that the path will be made clear. It takes patience and understanding. It is in this process and in our Creator that we must trust.

Rely less on information from the outside world and instead listen within. This is the source of your true inner guidance. You will need to trust self and to be calm and serene during times of chaotic change.
We are with you and so is all of creation.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian high council.

© 2011 The Ground Crew
The information on this web site is presented for the benefit of humanity.
All of this information is copyrighted by The Ground Crew and
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The old ways are finished!

The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share.  As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It.  It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.
Your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy.  To have joy you must be free from anger, blame, judgment, bitterness, and resentment.  When you harbor or hold on to those attitudes, or any similar ones, they smother the potential for joy within you.  It is just not possible to be joyful when maintaining those kinds of attitudes: they depress you, and so you go into a deeper state of sleep, by having your attention narrowly focused on what is upsetting you.  To be awake is to be fully open so that the inherent joy of Reality pervades your whole being and is reflected in your thoughts, words, and actions.
When you look out through your eyes, or listen with your ears, and use your mind to decide what response to make to the information coming in, you are judging – good/bad, nice/nasty, beautiful/ugly – and this smothers joy.
Joy is your natural state, fully alive and awake in each moment and at one with Reality.  Any other state is of the illusion, separated, divisive, unaccepting, and confusing, and the more you try to make sense of it the more confusing it becomes because the illusion truly makes no sense.  What does make sense is for you to awaken; that is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, and you will achieve it by releasing all attitudes that are incompatible with that holy state where all are accepted and loved unconditionally.
It is difficult, after so long apparently spent struggling and sometimes fighting for your very survival in an environment that is often extremely inhospitable, to open your hearts and lovingly trust one another.  However, to do just that, by letting go of personal agendas, practicing trusting others, and being utterly and uncompromisingly trustworthy yourselves, is the way forward out of the illusion and into Reality.  The amount of assistance available to help you with this task is vast and unprecedented.  Many of you are availing of it and changing your attitudes as you let down the defensive barriers that have divided you and kept you separated for so long – so many of you in fact, that you are approaching the tipping-point, the point at which, quite suddenly, vast numbers of you realize that there is nothing to be gained by continuing to behave in the old confrontational ways that have served you so inadequately.
The effects that these changes of attitude are having can be seen all across the planet, as more and more cooperative ventures, designed to reach out to help the unprivileged and poverty-stricken to attain a standard of living that honors and respects their dignity as beloved children of God, are set in motion.  The experience of horrendous privation and suppression that they have been undergoing is to cease, because it has finally become apparent to all that there is absolutely no reason why anyone anywhere should have to live in such execrable conditions.  These attitudinal changes and expansions of your awareness are the paramount tasks that you have undertaken on your path to awakening, and your increasing ability to carry them out ensures that there will be no turning back, the only possibility is for you all to move forwards towards your awakening.
As you approach the end of this journey, which has oftentimes seemed endless, interminable, perhaps even impossible to complete, look around and make a point of seeing the enormous progress you have made in just this lifetime, and if you still have doubts about your coming awakening, what you see must surely convince you that the enormous attitudinal changes that need to be made to enable you to live eternally in peace and happiness are occurring rapidly wherever you cast your gaze.
Do not focus on the old ways of war, confrontation, corruption, and betrayal that can still be seen in many places – because those ways are finished!  Instead, put your attention on the marvelous results that many loving and compassionate groups and individuals are achieving everywhere.  Doing that raises your spirits and intensifies the energies that are lifting you all upwards and onwards towards your fully-conscious state.  It is the divine Will that you awaken into that state, and so you will.  It truly is inevitable.
With so very much love, Saul.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/27/11


Hello from all of us, your Galactic brothers and sisters. We would like to share with you at this time a little about what our lives are like, as many of you will soon be joining us on our continued mission to restore peace, love, and light to your world. We spent much of our day working at various workstations onboard our ships, monitoring various situations and facilitating operating procedures for functions our particular ship is designed for. We, the Galactic Federation, have many lightships each designed for a very specific purpose. We have ships that are capable of removing and purifying the poisonous gasses being deposited into your atmospheres through the spraying of what you may refer to as chemtrails.
We also have ships that engage in combat with opposing forces of the cabal, although our form of combat might differ from what you may envision. Our aim is to remove the space fighters from this quadrant of space, and we make every effort to see to it that no harm comes to the personnel within these crafts. The cabal has built, with profits derived from the labors of the people of Earth, quite a sizable fighting force with many secret bases on, in, and off your planet. Many of our advanced ships and much of our highly trained personnel are assigned to the task of removing these forces and placing them in quarantine from Earth and humanity throughout your ascension period. After your ascension they can no longer be any threat to you or your world. 
We have other ships with specialized personnel for other assignments as well, such as environmental protection services. These Galactic Federation members utilize specially designed ships to detect hazards such as the radioactive fallout from the nuclear power facility in Japan. These team members study the situation and formulate a game plan to safely remove and purify any contamination. 
We also have groups with assignments closely relating to the work of your intelligence agencies, gathering intelligence information and monitoring certain situations, groups, and individuals to keep abreast and one step beyond the scheming of the dark ones. We are able to sit in on their secret meetings, and one cabal agent cannot whisper to another without us being able to hear precisely what is being said. Such is our advantage over the dark, as we enjoy complete privacy at our strategic meetings no matter how many personnel are engaged.
Dealing with the cabal and many other areas of humanity’s ascension makes up most of our day, but we still have time to enjoy things that bring us relaxation, joy, and happiness. We enjoy our meals together in dining halls, or if one would prefer, eat in more quiet surroundings. We have time to read and enjoy books from authors all across this and other universes. We are even able to monitor your radio and television signals, and if we wish we can watch some of your television programs or movies, but we do not engage in watching television nearly as often as Earth humans might. We do monitor your news services, although from our vantage point we see little actual news reporting and mainly attempts to control your thoughts and opinions.
We also enjoy games and music, and many of us love to travel to distant worlds just as many of you would enjoy traveling throughout your planet. We also enjoy exploring Earth, and many of us have been able to spend some time on your surface world, even traveling to your inner world. We will be able to enjoy traveling from place to place and city to city more openly once the cabal and their minions are purified from your world.
As you can see, there are many career opportunities within the Galactic Federation, and these opportunities are being made available to those of you who have demonstrated certain qualifications. A most fundamental qualification would be one’s level of consciousness, and another would be their ability to work well with others. Once we are able to land and make open contact with you, many more opportunities to work with us will be made available. There also will be many positions available to those who wish to assist the new governance of your world, as this is your planet and it will be your responsibility to govern yourselves after all service to self individuals are purged from your offices and agencies. 
Many of you hold positions within the Galactic Federation and will be welcomed back with open arms very soon. Many of you have many friends and co-workers eagerly awaiting your return after your current assignments on Earth are completed. Until then, please continue the tremendous work you are doing throughout your current assignment, either sharing our messages, making advanced knowledge more accessible throughout the Internet and your world, or assisting others to heal themselves at this most important period in humanity’s history. You are all doing a marvelous job and we wish to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts on this, our shared mission.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

27.12.11 г.

Could Mars and Moon Harbor Alien Artifacts?Leading Astrophysicists Says “Yes”

Thanks to Indy Info

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has a low probability of success, but it would have a high impact if successful. Physicists Paul Davies and Robert Wagner of Arizona State University argue that it makes sense to widen the search to scour the Moon for possible alien artifacts. Meanwhile at Penn State, researchers propose the same search for Mars. To date, SETI has been dominated by the paradigm of seeking deliberately beamed radio messages.
The ASU team argues that Alien civilizations may have sent probes to our region of the galaxy, and that any mission to the solar system would probably have occurred a very long time ago. The lunar environment could preserve artifacts for millions of years due to the absence of erosion and plate tectonics.
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Indirect evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence could come from any incontrovertible signatures of non-human Alien technology. Existing searchable databases from astronomy, biology, earth and planetary sciences all offer low-cost opportunities to seek a footprint of extraterrestrial technology.
Davies and Wagner reason that the rapidly-expanding database of the photographic mapping of the Moon’s surface by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) to 0.5 m resolution offers an ideal opportunity to search for ancient artifacts and has mapped a quarter of the moon’s surface since mid-2009. Among the LRO images, scientists have spotted the Apollo landing sites as well as all of the Nasa and Soviet unmanned probes, some of which were revealed only by their odd-looking shadows.
Nasa has made more than 340,000 LRO images public, but that figure is expected to reach one million by the time the orbiting probe has mapped the whole lunar surface. “From these numbers, it is obvious that a manual search by a small team is hopeless,” the scientists write.
The seismometer on Nasa’s Apollo 12 mission detected only one impact per month from roughly grapefruit-sized meteorites within a 350km radius. According to Davies and Wagner, it could take hundreds of millions of years for an object tens of metres across to be buried by lunar soil and dust kicked up by these impacts. Software can search for strange-looking features, such as the sharp lines of solar panels, or the dust-covered contours of quarries or domed buildings. These might be visible millions of years after they were built..
Systematic scrutiny of the LRO photographic images is being routinely conducted for planetary science purposes, and this program could be expanded and outsourced at little extra cost to accommodate SETI goals, after the fashion of the SETI@home and Galaxy Zoo crowd-sourcing projects.  Hundreds of thousands of pictures of the moon will be examined for telltale signs that aliens once visited our cosmic neighbourhood if plans go ahead. Online volunteers could be set task of spotting alien technology, evidence of mining and rubbish heaps in moon images.
Elswhere, two researchers at Penn State, are asking “why have we never found evidence of other civilizations in Solar System?” The team is approached the problem mathematically, which shows that we have not looked in enough places to ensure that no extraterrestrial artifacts exist in our solar system.
“The vastness of space, combined with our limited searches to date, implies that any remote unpiloted exploratory probes of extraterrestrial origin would likely remain unnoticed,” report Jacob Haqq-Misra, Rock Ethics Institute, and Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute.
Even without actual contact, like us, other civilizations could be sending unpiloted probes to quietly peek at our civilization. These probes, like ours, would be small and might be hidden in a variety of places. In the asteroid belt they would probably go unnoticed, especially if these nonterrestrial objects are only 3 to 33 feet in size, weighing little more than a ton similar to our Voyager craft.
“Extraterrestrial artifacts may exist in the solar system without our knowledge simply because we have not yet searched sufficiently,” said Haqq-Misra and Kopparapu. “Few if any of the attempts would be capable of detecting a 1 to 10 meter (3 to 33 foot) probe.”
Haqq-Misra and Kopparapu use a probabilistic method to determine if we have looked closely enough anywhere in the solar system to definitively say there are no nonterrestrial objects here. The analysis is based on answering the question, how sure can we be that we should have already found any nonterrestrial objects lurking in the solar system.
They view the solar system as a fixed volume and figure out the percentages of that volume that would need to be thoroughly searched using a discovery capability small enough to detect these probes, assuming that the probes are not consciously camouflaged. The researchers note that most searches to date have not been fine enough to locate such small probes or to totally rule out anywhere.
After taking into account a variety of potential biases, such as “the universe is teeming with life” or “life is rare,” the team developed an equation that can be applied to a portion of the volume of the solar system and determine whether sufficient searching has been done to ensure that we can say there are no nonterrestrial objects within that volume.
“The surface of the Earth is one of the few places in the solar system that has been almost completely examined at a spatial resolution of less than 3 feet,” said Haqq-Misra and Kopparapu.
But even as humans have spread across the solid surfaces of the Earth, there are still caves, jungles and deserts as well as the ocean floor and subsurface areas that have not been explored. Even with this, the Earth does have a high confidence that no nonterrestrial artifacts exist.
The moon and Mars have been searched to a small extent. An ongoing mapping project, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, is looking at the moon at a resolution of about 20 inches, so we may eventually be able to determine if there are no nonterrestrial objects on the moon. The researchers caution that surface maps may not be sufficient to distinguish between a space probe and a rock.
The surface of Mars is still mostly unsurveyed and the researchers’ confidence in the probability of no nonterrestrial artifacts is low. Similarly, locations like the Earth-moon Lagrange points, the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt might also shelter extra solar system probes, but the vast majority of the solar system’s volume is uninvestigated.
“Searches to date of the solar system are sufficiently incomplete that we cannot rule out the possibility that nonterrestrial artifacts are present and may even be observing us,” said Haqq-Misra and Kopparapu. They add that “the completeness of our search for nonterrestrial objects will inevitably increase as we continue to explore the moon, Mars and other nearby regions of space.”
The Daily Galaxy via eurekalert.org and guardian.co.uk/science
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